

Obsidian Sample Plugin

This is a sample plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md).

This project uses TypeScript to provide type checking and documentation. The repo depends on the latest plugin API (obsidian.d.ts) in TypeScript Definition format, which contains TSDoc comments describing what it does.

Note: The Obsidian API is still in early alpha and is subject to change at any time!

This sample plugin demonstrates some of the basic functionality the plugin API can do.

First time developing plugins?

Quick starting guide for new plugin devs:

Releasing new releases

You can simplify the version bump process by running npm version patch, npm version minor or npm version major after updating minAppVersion manually in manifest.json. The command will bump version in manifest.json and package.json, and add the entry for the new version to versions.json

Adding your plugin to the community plugin list

How to use

Manually installing the plugin

Improve code quality with eslint (optional)

Funding URL

You can include funding URLs where people who use your plugin can financially support it.

The simple way is to set the fundingUrl field to your link in your manifest.json file:

    "fundingUrl": "https://buymeacoffee.com"

If you have multiple URLs, you can also do:

    "fundingUrl": {
        "Buy Me a Coffee": "https://buymeacoffee.com",
        "GitHub Sponsor": "https://github.com/sponsors",
        "Patreon": "https://www.patreon.com/"

API Documentation

See https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-api