

example-mongodb Build Status

Example project how to work with MongoDB using oatpp-mongo mondule. Project is a web-service with basic CRUD and Swagger-UI. Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml files included.

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Project layout

|- CMakeLists.txt                        // projects CMakeLists.txt
|- src/
|    |
|    |- controller/                      // Folder containing Controller where all endpoints are declared
|    |- db/                              // Database class is here 
|    |- dto/                             // DTOs are declared here
|    |- App.cpp                          // main() is here
|    |- AppComponent.hpp                 // Service configuration is loaded here
|    |- SwaggerComponent.hpp             // Configuration for swagger-ui
|- utility/install-oatpp-modules.sh      // utility script to install required oatpp-modules.
|- Dockerfile                            // Dockerfile
|- docker-compose.yaml                   // Docker-compose with this service and postgresql

Build and Run

Using CMake


$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make 
$ ./example-mongodb  # - run application.

In Docker


To run the web-service only:

$ docker build -t example-mongodb .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -e DEMO_MONGO_CONN_STR='mongodb://localhost/UserDB' -t example-mongodb


To run both web-service and mongodb:

$ docker-compose up

After run

Go to http://localhost:8000/swagger/ui to try endpoints.

Installing mongocxx on Linux

Installing mongocxx on Linux is an unclear and painful process. See ubuntu-cmake-mongocxx/Dockerfile for instructions that worked for us.