

Clojars Project


A Clojure and ClojureScript library that turns this...

(def person {:name "Alice" :age 25})

...into this...

<span class='collection'><span class='delimiter'>(</span><span class='symbol'>def</span> <span class='symbol'>person</span> <span class='collection'><span class='delimiter'>{</span><span class='keyword'>:name</span> <span class='string'>&quot;Alice&quot;</span> <span class='keyword'>:age</span> <span class='number'>25</span><span class='delimiter'>}</span></span><span class='delimiter'>)</span></span>

...or this...

[:span {} [:span {:class "collection"} [:span {:class "delimiter"} "("] [:span {:class "symbol"} "def"] " " [:span {:class "symbol"} "person"] " " [:span {:class "collection"} [:span {:class "delimiter"} "{"] [:span {:class "keyword"} ":name"] " " [:span {:class "string"} "\"Alice\""] " " [:span {:class "keyword"} ":age"] " " [:span {:class "number"} "25"] [:span {:class "delimiter"} "}"]] [:span {:class "delimiter"} ")"]]]

Each semantically meaningful token in the Clojure(Script) code is wrapped in span tags with a descriptive CSS class. The actual CSS is up to you to define.

Try the interactive docs!


All files that originate from this project are dedicated to the public domain. I would love pull requests, and will assume that they are also dedicated to the public domain.