

<div align="center">

#1589F0 <br> #c5f015

</div> <h1 align="center">Angular 13+ timeline calendar</h1> <div align="center">

Sponsorship License: MIT

</div> <h2 align="center">Demo</h2> <div align="center">


</div> <h2 align="center">About</h2>

A timeline for angular 13+ that shows tasks or events on a timeline in different modes: days, weeks, and months.

This library is pretty small and DOESN'T use big dependencies like JQuery or Moment.js. Library also supports SSR.

<h2 align="center">Getting started</h2>

Install through npm:

npm install --save angular-timeline-calendar

Then import the timeline module into the module where you want to use the timeline.

Don't forget to call <b>forChild()</b> method:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { TimelineModule } from 'angular-timeline-calendar';

  imports: [
export class MyModule {

That's it, you can then use it in your component as:

import { ITimelineItem } from "angular-timeline-calendar";

  template: `<timeline-calendar [items]="items"> </timeline-calendar>`
export class MyTimelineComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  items: ITimelineItem[] = [];
<h2 align="center">Customization</h2> <h3 align="center">1. Localization</h3>

Change localization is very simple, just pass locale code to the 'locale' component input. Make sure that the current locale is registered by Angular:

import localeUk from "@angular/common/locales/uk";


  template: `<timeline-calendar locale="uk"></timeline-calendar>`
<h3 align="center">2. Header</h3>

You can customize the scale view by providing a config for each view mode.
In case you need to change the format of the dates in the header or change start or end dates, you can provide a config for each view mode:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { TimelineModule,
  IItemsIterator } from 'angular-timeline-calendar';

const myCustomFormatter: IScaleFormatter = {
  formatColumn(column: IScaleColumn, columnWidth: number, locale: string): string {
    return column.date.toString();

  imports: [
      // Customization dates range and their format in the header for day view mode.
      dayScaleConfig: {
        formatter: myCustomFormatter,
        getStartDate: (itemsIterator: IItemsIterator) => itemsIterator.getFirstItem(true).startDate,
        getEndDate: (itemsIterator: IItemsIterator) => new Date(),
      } as Partial<IScaleGeneratorConfig>,
      // Customization dates format in the header for week view mode.
      weekScaleConfig: {
          formatter: myCustomFormatter
      } as Partial<IScaleGeneratorConfig>
export class MyModule {
<h3 align="center">3. Zooms</h3>

You can simply set your own zooms if you want to add more. For changing the current zoom use TimelineComponent API. Here is an example:

import { AfterViewInit, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
import { TimelineComponent,
  TimelineViewMode } from "angular-timeline-calendar";

  template: `<timeline-calendar #timeline [zooms]="zooms"></timeline-calendar>`
export class MyTimelineComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild('timeline') timeline: TimelineComponent;
  zooms: ITimelineZoom[] = [
    {columnWidth: 50, viewMode: TimelineViewMode.Month},
    {columnWidth: 55, viewMode: TimelineViewMode.Month},
    {columnWidth: 50, viewMode: TimelineViewMode.Days},
    DefaultZooms[0] // You can import and use default array;
  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    // Change current zoom to any of passed to 'zooms' @Input.

    // Change current zoom by one step next.

    // Change current zoom by one step back.

This is not all API of component. Maybe later I will add some documentation. Currently, you can see comments inside TimelineComponent.

<h3 align="center">4. Templates</h3>

You easily can customize timeline items view, date marker, and left panel by passing custom TemplateRef:


<ng-template #customItemTemplate let-item let-locale="locale">
  {{item.name}} {{item.startDate}} {{item.endDate}} {{locale}}

<ng-template #customDateMarkerTemplate let-leftPosition="leftPosition">
<h3 align="center">5. View modes</h3>

The library allows you to add custom view modes, for example, years, hours, minutes, etc. All you have to do is extends <b>StrategyManager</b> class. Based on the current view type it returns different strategies with a common interface which needs for calculating operations between dates and generating scale.

Here is an example of how it should look, when you want to add some additional view modes:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from 'angular-timeline-calendar';

enum CustomViewMode {
  CustomView = 1,
  Day = TimelineViewMode.Day,
  Week = TimelineViewMode.Week,
  Month = TimelineViewMode.Month,

class CustomStrategyManager extends StrategyManager implements IStrategyManager<CustomViewMode> {
  getScaleGenerator(viewMode): IScaleGenerator {
    if (viewMode === CustomViewMode.Custom) {
      return {...};  // your custom logic here

    return super.getScaleGenerator(viewMode);

  getViewModeAdaptor(viewMode): IViewModeAdaptor {
    if (viewMode === CustomViewMode.Custom) {
      return {...} // custom adaptor;

    return super.getViewModeAdaptor(viewMode);

  imports: [
      strategyManager: StrategyManager,
  providers: [{
    provide: StrategyManager,
    useClass: CustomStrategyManager,
export class MyModule {
<h2 align="center">Angular versions</h2> <li>For Angular 13 use <b>0.4.3</b></li> <li>For Angular >= 14 use <b>0.5.0</b></li> <br>

Have an issue? Leave it here: https://github.com/oOps1627/angular-calendar-timeline/issues

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