


tools for analyzing strings from password lists

image of dog sniffing

quickstart / setup

git clone https://github.com/nyxgeek/dumpsniffer.git

cd dumpsniffer;chmod +x *.sh 


this will download cracked passwords from Troy Hunt's public dump, via hashes.org (The wordlist source file can be changed in ./dumpsniff.conf)

once a wordlist is in place:

./popcon.sh baseball basketball football


./viewresults.sh hacktheplanet


The search results are stored in their raw form under the following directory structures:


Using the filesystem to hold data was chosen over a traditional db because this allows the easy viewing and editing of the results. This allows you to manually parse and remove false-positive results using tools like 'grep'.

derbycon 7.0 talk info

The DerbyCon 7.0 (2017) slide deck can be found here:<BR> https://github.com/nyxgeek/dumpsniffer/raw/master/DerbyCon_Files/DerbyCon7.0_100MillionSecrets.pdf

The video can be found here:<BR> http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon7/s31-statistics-on-100-million-secrets-a-look-at-recent-password-dumps-nyxgeek

(youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHpbEl27sdQ )

Resources listed in slide deck can be found here:<BR> https://github.com/nyxgeek/dumpsniffer/blob/master/DerbyCon_Files/resources.md

where to find passwords in plaintext:


Check out the 'found' column.

You can automagically download and clean the Troy Hunt dump using the included script 'getcleanwordlist.sh'


Please consider donating to hashes.org

I'm not affiliated with them in any way, don't know them, but they're an awesome resource. You can find the donation link at the bottom of this page:


file list & usage


Popularity Contest: compare popularity of keywords or phrases

note: if a word is already in the db, it won't be searched again

./popcon.sh hacking hacker hacked

Search complete:
19993, hacker
2805, hacked
1799, hacking


show top 50 most-popular variations on a keyword

note: if word has not been searched for yet, will prompt to search

./viewresults.sh hacking

1066 hacking
  61 hackingme
  16 hackings
  12 hackingyou
  12 hackingisfun
  10 hackingmaster
  10 hackingm
   8 hackinghaters
   8 hackingaccount
   7 hackingis


./createregex.sh file.txt > file.regex

Read line "testing":


give this script a file with one word/phrase per line and it will convert output it as leetspeak regex

This can then be used with grep in the following manner:

grep -E -f file.regex file_to_search.txt



That's it. It downloads and cleans the wordlist a little (trims lines longer than 24 char and removes non-ASCII).

DerbyCon_Files folder


PDF of slide deck


script to turn a wordlist into two wordlists to be used in CLEVERBRUTE attack method

./cleverbrute_create.sh wordlist.txt

Making HEAD file...	file written to /current/path/HEAD.out  -  Total lines: 21
Making TAIL file...	file written to /current/path/TAIL.out  -  Total lines: 24

Example (first 5 lines):

HEAD.out			  TAIL.out
--------			  --------
1234				    !!!!
12345				    !!!!n
123456				    !!!!ni
Spri				    !710
Sprin				    !7102

This is a list of the URLs/resources listed in the slide deck


thanks for all the feedback! also special thanks to whoever it was at DerbyCon that recommended the dog icon after my talk.
