

Multi-Way Neural Machine Translation

This repo implements multi-way Neural Machine Translation described in the paper "Multi-way Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with a Shared Attention Mechanism". In NAACL,2016.

With this repo, you can build a multi-encoder, multi-decoder or a multi-way NMT model. When you reduce the number of encoders and decoders to one respectively, you basically retain a single-pair NMT model with attention mechanism.<br>


The code consists of three major components for dependencies:

  1. Core computational graphs (Theano)
  2. Data streams (Fuel)
  3. Training loop and extensions (Blocks)

Please use setup.sh for setting up your development environment.<br>


The core computational graphs are written using pure Theano, and based on the implementations in dl4mt-tutorial.

We refer each source-target pair a computational graph, since we build an actual separate computational graph for each of them, where some of the parameters in these computational graphs are shared with other computational graphs.<br>

In order to train multiple computational graphs, we need multiple data-streams, and a scheduler over them. This part is handled by Fuel and custom streams, along with development and test decoding streams.<br>

Given the computational graphs and their corresponding data streams, training the parameters in the computational graphs is carried out by adapted training loop from Blocks.<br>

Finally, this codebase is a refined combination of multiple codebases. The layer structure and handling of parameters are somehow similar to dl4mt-tutorial. The class hierarchy and experiment configuration resembles a pruned version of GroundHog and main-loop and extensions are quite similar to blocks-examples.

During the development of this codebase, we tried to be pragmatic and inherit the lessons learned from other NMT implementations, hope we picked the best parts not the worst :relieved:

Preparing Text Corpora:

The original text corpora could be downloaded from here.<br>

In this repo, we do not handle downloading the data and tokenizing it. Please follow the steps described in dl4mt-tutorial for downloading and tokenization of the data. Once you've downloaded and tokenized the data, you can use scripts/encode_with_bpe_parallel.sh and scripts/encode_with_bpe_joint.sh to use sub-word units as input and output tokens (check scripts for details).