


The Hungarian anonymization tool for CURLICAT


The anonymization tool can handle named entities in 2 different ways:

  1. Stem masking: Each detected named entity is masked with a tag corresponding to the NER category of the named entity (e. g. PER, LOC, ORG, MISC). However, the morphological suffixes of the last word of the named entity are also identified and concatenated with the NER tag.
  2. Replacement: Each named entity is replaced with another named entity selected from a predefined list (see ./models/entity_map.json and ./models/definite_entity_map.json). The new named entity comes from the same NER category as the original. The new named entity is automatically put in the grammatical form required by its context.

The replacement method is implemented by using a neural decoder model (GPT-2) and it may be unstable. The current solution is automatically falling back to the stem masking method should any problem occur.

When run in a docker container (see the next section), the anonymization method can be selected by specifying the USE_CORRECTOR environment variable (set it to true to select the replacement method).

The input must be plain text, processing CONLL documents is not supported yet.



Run the following commands to build the docker image:

git clone https://github.com/nytud/anonymizer_hu.git
cd anonymizer_hu
make build_docker

If you do not want the model files to be downloaded each time a new container is started, you can run ./docker/install.sh ./models before the build command.

Start a container

Use make run_docker or write a docker run command, e. g.

docker run --rm -d --name anonymizer_hu --gpus '"device=0"' -e USE_CORRECTOR=true -p <port>:5000 nytud/anonymizer:latest

The docker_run command above specifies the environment variable USE_CORRECTOR that determines which anonymization method will be applied to the input.

Specifying a GPU makes sense even if you do not use the neural decoder required for the replacement anonymization method as the detector (the model that identifies named entities) is a neural network as well.


The application reacts to POST API requests, for example:

$ curl -X 'POST' '<port>:5000/anonymize' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"text": "Some text", "format": "text"}

where <port> is the port on which the application is running. A free port is identified automatically if the container is started with make run_docker.

The application returns a JSON response:

  "original_text": "Some text",
  "anonymized_text": "Same text but anonymized",
  "format": "text"

Stop the container

Use either make stop_docker or docker container stop anonymizer_hu.