

<div align="center"> <img width="142" height="142" src="https://download.next-hat.com/ressources/images/logo.png" > <h3>Develop, Distribute</h3> <p align="center"> <a href="https://next-hat.com/nanocl" target="_blank"><b>Docs</b></a> • <a href="https://github.com/next-hat/nanocl/tree/nightly/examples" target="_blank"><b>Examples</b></a> • <a href="https://discord.gg/WV4Aac8uZg" target="_blank"><b>Discord</b></a> </p> <p>

Tests Clippy

</p> <p>


</p> </div> <blockquote> <span> Test, Deploy, Scale, Monitor, Orchestrate </span> </blockquote>

Nanocl is an open-source distributed system designed to revolutionize developers' workflows.<br/> It aims to provide an easy solution for localhost development, addressing common issues like CORS and cookies when working with complex microservice architectures.<br/> Nanocl also facilitates seamless deployment to production.<br/> By empowering developers and DevOps professionals, Nanocl helps optimize workflows, enhance security, and reduce operational costs.

Join our discord and help us shape the future of infrastructure management.

Latest news


To install Nanocl for your system, please refer to our online installation guide.


To learn more about Nanocl, you can take a look at the following resources:


Nanocl is designed to be easy to operate by mostly using Statefiles.<br /> Statefiles are yaml, toml or json files that define the state you want.<br /> There is an example used to deploy our documentation:

ApiVersion: v0.14

# See all options:
# https://docs.next-hat.com/references/nanocl/objects/cargo
- Name: doc
    Image: ghcr.io/next-hat/documentation:0.14.0

# See all options:
# https://docs.next-hat.com/references/nanocl/objects/resource
- Name: docs.next-hat.com
  Kind: ncproxy.io/rule
    - Domain: docs.next-hat.com
      Network: Public
      - Path: /
          Key: doc.global.c
          Port: 80

To apply a state you can do it easily bu running nanocl state apply -s path|url<br /> You can also remove a state by calling nanocl state rm -s path|url<br />


Below are live demos of Nanocl in action:

Cargo and Resource

<div align="center"> <img src="./doc/cargo_resource_example.gif" /> </div>


<div align="center"> <img src="./doc/job_example.gif" /> </div>


<div align="center"> <img src="./doc/vm_example.gif" /> </div>


Nanocl is designed in a micro services architecture several component are required and they are running as container included the Nanocl Daemon itself. The following components will be installed during nanocl install and are required to ensure Nanocl functionality:

Simplified version of our architecture for a single node:

<div align="center"> <img src="./doc/architecture.png" /> </div>


Every contribution is very welcome. Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are the most common ways to contribute.

You can also help us by improving the documentation.

Learn how to setup a development environment by reading the contribution guide. Also don't hesitate to join the discord if you have any question!


Sponsors are the ones who make this project possible. They help us to keep the project alive and to improve it. If you want to become a sponsor, you can do so by clicking on the sponsor button. <br/>

People that sponsor us will have their name or logo displayed here, and will have access to a special role on our discord server.

If you sponsor for more then 40$ you will be rewarded with a VPS server with nanocl pre-installed ready to use for 1 month. <br/>

You can also help us by contributing to the project, by reporting bugs, by suggesting new features, or by improving the documentation.

Or just give a star it's free and it helps us a lot! ⭐️

Huge thanks to our sponsors

<table> <tr> <td align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/xf10w"> <img src="https://images.weserv.nl/?url=avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43791027?v=4&h=300&w=300&fit=cover&mask=circle&maxage=7d" width="100" alt="xf10w" /> <br /> <sub> <b> xf10w </b> </sub> </a> </td> </tr> </table>