

<img src="https://github.com/nxenon/h2spacex/assets/61124903/fd6387bf-15e8-4a5d-816b-cf5e079e07cc" width="20%" valign="middle" alt="H2SpaceX" />   H2SpaceX

pypi: 1.1.0 Python: 3.10 License: GPL v3

HTTP/2 low level library based on Scapy which can be used for Single Packet Attack (Race Condition on H2)

Dive into Single Packet Attack Article

I wrote an article and published it at InfoSec Write-ups:


More Research

Some following statements are just ideas and not tested or implemented.


H2SpaceX works with Python 3 (preferred: >=3.10)

pip install h2spacex

Error in Installation

if you get errors of scapy:

pip install --upgrade scapy

Quick Start

You can import the HTTP/2 TLS Connection and set up the connection. After setting up the connection, you can do other things:

from h2spacex import H2OnTlsConnection

h2_conn = H2OnTlsConnection(


see more examples in Wiki Page


See examples which contain some Portswigger race condition examples.

Examples Page

Enhanced Single Packet Attack Method (Black Hat 2024) for Timing Attacks

James Kettle introduced an improved version of Single Packet Attack in Black Hat 2024 for timing attacks:

Impvoved Version Image

You can implement this method easily using send_ping_frame() method.

See this Wiki and Parse Response (Threaded) + Response Times for Timing Attacks part:

Improved Version of SPA Sample Exploit

Reference of Improved Method:

References & Resources

I also got some ideas from a previous developed library h2tinker.

Finally, thanks again to James Kettle for directly helping and pointing some other techniques.