

unigd <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" width="25%"/>

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A unified R graphics backend. Render R graphics fast and easy to many common file formats.

This package provides a thread-safe interface to power interactive graphics clients such as httpgd.



Install unigd from CRAN:


Or get the latest development version from GitHub:


See system requirements for troubleshooting.

Getting started

See the guide for more details.

Contributions welcome!

unigd is mostly written in C++, but contributions to the tests (in R) or the documentation are also always welcome!

About & License

Depends on cpp11 and systemfonts.

Much of the font handling and SVG rendering code is modified code from the excellent svglite package.

This project is licensed GPL v2.0.

It includes parts of svglite (GPL ≥ 2) and fmt (MIT).

Full copies of the license agreements used by these components are included in ./inst/licenses.