

<img src="imaginaire_logo.svg" alt="imaginaire_logo.svg" height="360"/>


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Imaginaire is a pytorch library that contains optimized implementation of several image and video synthesis methods developed at NVIDIA.


Imaginaire is released under NVIDIA Software license. For commercial use, please consult NVIDIA Research Inquiries.

What's inside?


We have a tutorial for each model. Click on the model name, and your browser should take you to the tutorial page for the project.

Supervised Image-to-Image Translation

Algorithm NameFeaturePublication
pix2pixHDLearn a mapping that converts a semantic image to a high-resolution photorealistic image.Wang et. al. CVPR 2018
SPADEImprove pix2pixHD on handling diverse input labels and delivering better output quality.Park et. al. CVPR 2019

Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation

Algorithm NameFeaturePublication
UNITLearn a one-to-one mapping between two visual domains.Liu et. al. NeurIPS 2017
MUNITLearn a many-to-many mapping between two visual domains.Huang et. al. ECCV 2018
FUNITLearn a style-guided image translation model that can generate translations in unseen domains.Liu et. al. ICCV 2019
COCO-FUNITImprove FUNIT with a content-conditioned style encoding scheme for style code computation.Saito et. al. ECCV 2020

Video-to-video Translation

Algorithm NameFeaturePublication
vid2vidLearn a mapping that converts a semantic video to a photorealistic video.Wang et. al. NeurIPS 2018
fs-vid2vidLearn a subject-agnostic mapping that converts a semantic video and an example image to a photoreslitic video.Wang et. al. NeurIPS 2019

World-to-world Translation

Algorithm NameFeaturePublication
wc-vid2vidImprove vid2vid on view consistency and long-term consistency.Mallya et. al. ECCV 2020
GANcraftConvert semantic block worlds to realistic-looking worlds.Hao et. al. ICCV 2021