

<h1>StateArts</h1> <img src="https://github.com/nvinayshetty/StateArts/blob/master/gifs/s.png"/> Intellij / Android Studio plugin that creates state machine diagram from state machine. The Art of states

<H2>How to install?</H2> <H3>Make sure you have graphviz installed</h3> This plugin works based on a opensource command line tool called Graphviz. Make sure Graphviz in installed on your path

Goto File > Preferences/Settings > plugins >Browse Repositorie > Search for "State Art" > Install and Restart

Goto File > Preferences/Settings > plugins >Market Place > Search for "State Art" > Install and Restart

<H3>State machine line marker</H3> Create state diagram in a click <img src="https://github.com/nvinayshetty/StateArts/blob/master/gifs/statemachine.gif" width="1000" height="600" /> <H3>State and Arts</H3> <img src="https://github.com/nvinayshetty/StateArts/blob/master/gifs/stateart.gif" width="1000" height="600" /> <H3>How it works?</H3>

Here is a detailed Medium Post


  1. How can I help?
  1. How to make sure graphviz is properly installed?</br> Run dot -V from your termninal you should see some output which looks similar to this</br> dot - graphviz version 2.40.1 (20161225.0304)