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We are not affiliated with the nvim-treesitter maintainers. If you are facing issues with tree-sitter support in rocks.nvim, please don't bug them.

:star2: Summary

rocks-treesitter.nvim is a rocks.nvim module that helps you manage and use tree-sitter parsers.

It aims to be a minimal replacement for nvim-treesitter.

Parsers, bundled with queries, are hosted on rocks-binaries and rocks-binaries-dev, so that you don't have to compile them on your machine.

Do I need this plugin?

No. Plugins that depend on tree-sitter parsers can specify the dependencies in their rockspecs.

You can also install the parsers manually, using :Rocks install tree-sitter-<lang>. To enable highlighting for parser <lang>, all you need to do is create a ftplugin/<lang>.lua file, and in it, call vim.treesitter.start().

See also the rocks.nvim README's tree-sitter section.

This plugin is for convenience.

:pencil: Requirements

:hammer: Installation

Simply run :Rocks install rocks-treesitter.nvim, and you are good to go!

:books: Usage

This plugin works out of the box and doesn't need any configuration. However, you can override its default configuration in one of two ways:

:wrench: Configuration

Using rocks.toml

You can add a [treesitter] section to your rocks.toml, and use it to configure this plugin.

# auto_highlight = "all"
# NOTE: These are parsers, not filetypes.
auto_highlight = [
auto_install = "prompt" # true | false
# NOTE: These are filetypes
disable = [

# You can add custom filetype to parser mappings.
# Determine the filetype with ':lua =vim.bo[0].filetype'.
# NOTE: You don't actually have to add these examples.
# They are added by default.
PKGBUILD = "bash"
cls = "latex"
sty = "latex"

With lua:

Or, you add a lua table to your vim.g.rocks_nvim setting:

vim.g.rocks_nvim = {
    -- rocks.nvim config
    treesitter = {
        auto_highlight = { },
        auto_install = "prompt",
        parser_map = { },
        ---@type string[] | fun(lang: string, bufnr: integer):boolean
        disable = { }, -- filetypes or a function


If both configuration methods are used, the lua configuration is given higher priority, to support things like :h exrc.

:book: License

rocks-treesitter.nvim is licensed under GPLv3.