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:star2: Summary

rocks-dev.nvim extends rocks.nvim with the ability to install dev plugins locally.

:hammer: Installation

Simply run :Rocks install rocks-dev.nvim, and you are good to go!

:books: Usage

With this extension, you can add a dir field table to plugins in your rocks.toml, for example:

dir = "~/git/nvim/sweetie.nvim"

This extension also supports dev.path, which allows you to provide the path to where local plugins are stored. You can tell rocks-dev to load a plugin from that path with dev = true, for example:

path = "~/Projects"

"sweetie.nvim" = { dev = true }

When both dir and dev = true are present, dir gets priority.

:electric_plug: rocks-config interoperability

You can use rocks-config.nvim >= 2.0.0 to configure dev plugins, however, it does not currently work with bundles.

:book: License

rocks-dev.nvim is licensed under GPLv3.