Go implementation of the HAL standard.
This is a work in progress... Everything might/will change.
The library gives a way of mapping Go Structs into HAL Resources by implementing the hal.Mapper
interface. You only need to define which fields you want and how you want them translated.
type Mapper interface {
GetMap() Entry
For a given Product struct, this would be the hal.Mapper
type Product struct {
Code int
Name string
Price int
func (p Product) GetMap() hal.Entry {
return hal.Entry{
"name": p.Name,
"price": p.Price,
Then you can just create a HAL Resource for a Product by:
p := Product{
Code: 1,
Name: "Some Product",
Price: 10
pr := hal.NewResource(p, "http://rest.api/products/1")
And pass it through json.Marsal
when needed getting this result:
"_links": {
"self": {"href": "http://rest.api/products/1"}
"name": "Some product",
"price": 10
Embedded Resources
Let's say your API has to serve a list of Task structs.
Since for HAL standard everything is a resource, even the entire API response could be seen as a resource containing other embedded resources. Check this out:
type (
Response struct {
Count int
Total int
Task struct {
Id int
Name string
func (p Response) GetMap() hal.Entry {
return hal.Entry{
"count": p.Count,
"total": p.Total,
func (c Task) GetMap() hal.Entry {
return hal.Entry{
"id": c.Id,
"name": c.Name,
Then you could create the Resources by doing something like this:
// Creating Response resource
r := hal.NewResource(Response{Count: 10, Total: 20}, "/tasks")
r.AddNewLink("next", "/tasks=page=2")
// Creating Task resources
t1 := hal.NewResource(Task{Id: 1, Name: "Some Task"}, "/tasks/1")
t2 := hal.NewResource(Task{Id: 2, Name: "Some Task"}, "/tasks/2")
// Embedding
r.Embed("tasks", t1)
r.Embed("tasks", t2)
"_embedded": {
"tasks": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/tasks/1"
"id": 1,
"name": "Some Task"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/tasks/2"
"id": 2,
"name": "Some Task"
"_links": {
"next": {
"href": "/tasks=page=2"
"self": {
"href": "/tasks"
"count": 10,
"total": 20
To include CURIE relations in your output you can 'register' the curie name and fluently add a link relation as follows:
p := Product{
Code: 1,
Name: "Some Product",
Price: 10
// Creating Product resource
pr := hal.NewResource(p, "http://rest.api/products/1")
pr.RegisterCurie("acme", "{rel}", true).AddNewLink("widgets", "http://rest.api/products/1/widgets")
"_links": {
"self": {"href": "http://rest.api/products/1"},
"curies": [{
"acme:widgets": { "href": "http://rest.api/products/1/widgets" }
"name": "Some product",
"price": 10
Registered curies can also be retreived by name from the resources' Curies map:
pr := hal.NewResource(p, "http://rest.api/products/1")
pr.RegisterCurie("acme", "{rel}", true)
curie := pr.Curies["acme"]
curie.AddNewLink("widgets", "http://rest.api/products/1/widgets")
- XML Marshaler.