SGRE module for Python
This project provides Python module for Simple GeoJSON-based routing engine (SGRE).
Simple GeoJSON-based routing engine provides a routing engine specially designed for blueprints/graphs defined via GeoJSON input. The routing engine supports different routing profiles (speeds, restrictions), supports height/3D routing (by utilizing Z coordinate). Both line and polygon geometry (both non-convex polygons and polygons with holes) can be used, including mixed line and polygon geometry.
SGRE was originally designed for CARTO Mobile SDK. Its documentation is available in Wiki.
Compiling (Ubuntu 18.04)
Assuming the following packages are installed: python, python-dev, python3-dev, cmake, make, gcc, g++, libboost-dev, libboost-python-dev. By default the module is configured for Python 3.
Check the version of the installed Python interpreter:
python3 --version
Modify PYTHON_VERSION and BOOST_PYTHONLIB variables in CMakeLists.txt to match the version of the installed Python interpreter. For example (for Python 3.6.x):
set(BOOST_PYTHONLIB python-py36)
Execute the following commands to build the Python module (in the directory of CMakeLists.txt):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
As a result build/ file should be created. To make it accessible for Python interpreter, simply add its location to PYTHONPATH:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/build
Now verify that the module works by executing test script:
cd test