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Mongo-Thingy is the most idiomatic and friendly-yet-powerful way to use MongoDB with Python.

It is an "Object-Document Mapper" that gives you full advantage of MongoDB schema-less design by not asking you to define schemas in your code.

What you'll get:


We support all Python and MongoDB versions supported by PyMongo, namely:

As a backend, Mongo-Thingy supports the following libraries:


pip install mongo-thingy


First steps

Connect, insert and find thingies

>>> from mongo_thingy import connect, Thingy
>>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test")

>>> class User(Thingy):
...     pass

>>> user = User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save()
>>> User.count_documents()
>>> User.find_one({"age": 42})
User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42})

In an AsyncIO (or Tornado) environment, use the asynchronous class instead:

>>> from mongo_thingy import connect, AsyncThingy
>>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test")

>>> class User(AsyncThingy):
...     pass

>>> user = await User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save()
>>> await User.count_documents()
>>> await User.find_one({"age": 42})
User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42})

To use another backend than the default ones, just pass its client class with client_cls:

>>> import mongomock
>>> connect(client_cls=mongomock.MongoClient)

Update a thingy

>>> user.age
>>> user.age = 1337
>>> user.save()
User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337})

Thingy views power

Complete information with properties

>>> class User(Thingy):
...     @property
...     def username(self):
...         return "".join(char for char in self.name if char.isalpha())

>>> User.add_view(name="everything", defaults=True, include="username")
>>> user = User.find_one()
>>> user.view("everything")
{'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'username': 'MrFoo'}

Hide sensitive stuff

>>> User.add_view(name="public", defaults=True, exclude="password")
>>> user.password = "t0ps3cr3t"
>>> user.view()
{'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'}
>>> user.view("public")
{'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337}

Only use certain fields/properties

>>> User.add_view(name="credentials", include=["username", "password"])
>>> user.view("credentials")
{'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'}

Apply views on cursors

>>> cursor = User.find()
>>> for credentials in cursor.view("credentials"):
...     print(credentials)
{'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'}
{'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'}

And if your cursor is already exhausted, you can still apply a view!

>>> users = User.find().to_list(None)
>>> for credentials in users.view("credentials"):
...     print(credentials)
{'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'}
{'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'}


>>> from mongo_thingy.versioned import Versioned

>>> class Article(Versioned, Thingy):
...     pass

>>> article = Article(content="Cogito ergo sum")
>>> article.version

>>> article.save()
Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'})
>>> article.version

>>> article.content = "Sum ergo cogito"
>>> article.save()
Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Sum ergo cogito'})
>>> article.version

>>> article.revert()
Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'})
>>> article.version

Database/collection "discovery"

Default behaviour

>>> class AuthenticationGroup(Thingy):
...     pass

>>> connect("mongodb://localhost/")
>>> AuthenticationGroup.collection
Collection(Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], ...), 'authentication'), 'group')

Use mismatching names for Thingy class and database collection

You can either specify the collection name:

>>> class Foo(Thingy):
...   collection_name = "bar"

or the collection directly:

>>> class Foo(Thingy):
...   collection = db.bar

You can then check what collection is being used with:

>>> Foo.collection
Collection(Database(MongoClient('localhost', 27017), 'database'), 'bar')


Create an index

>>> User.create_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True)

Add one or more indexes, create later

>>> User.add_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True)
>>> User.add_index("username")

>>> User.create_indexes()

Create all indexes of all thingies at once

>>> from mongo_thingy import create_indexes
>>> create_indexes()

Dealing with camelCase data

>>> from mongo_thingy.camelcase import CamelCase

>>> class SystemUser(CamelCase, Thingy):
...     collection_name = "systemUsers"

>>> user = SystemUser.find_one()
>>> user.view()
{'_id': ObjectId(...), 'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe'}

>>> user.first_name
>>> user.first_name = "Jonny"
>>> user.save()
SystemUser({'_id': ObjectId(...), firstName: 'Jonny', lastName: 'Doe'})


To run the tests suite:


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