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The AKEless Build System for C#/.NET

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Table of Contents

Elevator Pitch

<img align="right" width="130px" src="https://github.com/nuke-build/nuke/raw/develop/images/icon.png" />

Solid and scalable CI/CD pipelines are an essential pillar for being competitive and creating a great product. But why are most of us a little afraid of touching YAML files and don't even dare to look at build scripts? Much of this is because C# developers are spoiled with a great language and smart IDEs, and they don't like missing their buddy for code-completion, ease of debugging, refactorings, and code formatting.

NUKE brings your build automation to an even level with every other .NET project. How? It's a regular console application allowing all the OOP goodness! Besides, it solves many common problems in build automation, like parameter injection, path separator abstraction, access to solution and project models, and build step sharing across repositories. NUKE can also generate CI/CD configurations (YAML, etc.) that automatically parallelize build steps on multiple agents to optimize throughput!

For more information check out our documentation or visit our community ...

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<p align="center"><img width="800px" src="https://github.com/nuke-build/nuke/raw/develop/images/example-1.png" /></p>

Build Status

NUKE builds and tests itself on several CI/CD services, which helps to ensure a working integration with those systems. At the same time, the individual configuration files serve as examples for the generation experience:

Build ServerStatusPlatformConfiguration
GitHub ActionsGitHub ActionsWin / Ubuntu / macOScontinuous.yml
GitLab CIGitLab CIUbuntu.gitlab-ci.yml
Azure PipelinesAzure PipelinesWin / Linux / macOSazure-pipelines.yml
AppVeyorAppVeyorWin / Ubuntuappveyor.yml

In Action


Thanks to all companies, organizations, and individuals who are sponsoring the further development of this project. Your support means a lot! 💙

<picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nuke-build/nuke/refs/heads/develop/images/octopusdeploy-dark.svg"><img alt="Octopus Deploy" height="170px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nuke-build/nuke/refs/heads/develop/images/octopusdeploy-light.svg"></picture>

<picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nuke-build/nuke/refs/heads/develop/images/aws-dark.png"><img alt="Amazon Web Services" height="160px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nuke-build/nuke/refs/heads/develop/images/aws-light.png"></picture>

<img height="120px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nuke-build/nuke/refs/heads/develop/images/datadog.svg" alt="Datadog" />

<img height="60px" src="https://www.dangl-it.de/media/1195/logo-en-rectangular.png" alt="Dangl-IT GmbH" /> <img height="60px" src="https://peiitalliance.com/logos/LevelingUp-Logo.svg" alt="Leveling Up" />

Rodney Littles II Olga Nelioubov Daniel Valadas Anton Wieslander business//acts Petabridge Steven Kuhn

Stephan Müller David Driscoll Actipro Software Logan Laughlin Alex Sink Martin Gill Todor Todorov Derek Beattie Andrei Andreev patrik53 Cesare Caoduro Kirill Osenkov <img height="45px" src="https://images.opencollective.com/archon-systems-inc/85fa9b1/logo/256.png" alt="Archon Systems Inc." /> <img height="45px" src="https://images.opencollective.com/bitzer-electronics-as/39862ac/logo/256.png" alt="BITZER Electronics A/S" />

Technology Sponsors

Thanks to JetBrains for providing licenses for Rider and access to a TeamCity Cloud instance, which both make open-source development a real pleasure!

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nuke-build/nuke/refs/heads/develop/images/jetbrains.png" width="450" />

Thanks to SignPath for providing free code signing service and to the SignPath Foundation for a free code signing certificate.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SignPath/website/3168d6c7f0e60e647c13fd746df18b52cd52f59c/docs/assets/logo_signpath_500.png" width="450" />