


<img src="https://github.com/nucliweb/avif-in-css/blob/main/assets/AV1.svg?raw=true" align="right" alt="AVIF logo" width="180" height="100">

PostCSS plugin and a tiny JS script (315B gzipped) to use the AVIF image format for CSS background images.

Use AVIF in Supported Browsers and fall back to the original image in other browsers.

Take a look at the demo site avif-in-css.netlify.app

About AVIF

AVIF offers significant compression gains vs. JPEG and WebP, with a recent Netflix study showing 50% savings vs. standard JPEG and > 60% savings on 4:4:4 content

How works?

You add require('avif-in-css') to your JS bundle and write CSS like:

.logo {
  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
  background-image: url(logo.jpg);

The script will set avif or no-avif class on <body> and PostCSS plugin will generate:

.logo {
  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
body.avif .logo {
  background-image: url(logo.avif);
body.no-avif .logo {
  background-image: url(logo.jpg);


1. Convert to AVIF

Convert you images to AVIF format, you can use Squoosh, Avif.app, Convertio.co, avif.io or any other tool. Important: This PostCSS plugin doesn't convert the images to AVIF format.

2. Install avif-in-css

npm install --save-dev avif-in-css

2.1 Load the polyfill

Add the JS script to your client-side JS bundle:

// CommonJS
+ require('avif-in-css/polyfill.js')

// ES6
+ import 'avif-in-css/polyfill.js'

Since JS script is very small (315B gzipped), the best way for landings is to inline it to HTML:

+   <script><%= readFile('node_modules/AVIF-in-css') %></script>

You can load the script via CDN:

+   <script src="https://unpkg.com/avif-in-css/polyfill.js"></script>

2.2 Load the PostCSS plugin

Check do you use PostCSS already in your bundler. You can check postcss.config.js in the project root, "postcss" section in package.json or postcss in bundle config.

If you don’t have it already, add PostCSS to your bundle:

Add avif-in-css to PostCSS plugins

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
+   require('avif-in-css'),

If you use CSS Modules in webpack add modules: true option:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
-   require(avif-in-css'),
+   require(avif-in-css')({ modules: true }),

PostCSS Options

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    require('avif-in-css')({ /* options */ }),
OptionDescriptionDefault ValueType Value
modulesWrap classes to :global() to support CSS Modules.falseBoolean
avifClassClass name for browser with AVIF support.avifString
noAvifClassClass name for browser without AVIF support.no-avifString
renameGet a new file name from old name, like (oldName: string) => string, then url(./image.png)url(./image.png.avif).Function

Supported browsers