


The goal of nuage-cni is to provide Nuage Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin and allow launched containers/pods to be attached to and detached from Nuage overlay networks. For more information on CNI refer to https://github.com/containernetworking/cni

Nuage CNI plugin modes

The Nuage CNI plugin functions in two modes:

CNI Mode

In the CNI mode, the Nuage CNI plugin gets invoked by network/cni isolator when a container gets launched or deleted.

Audit Daemon Mode

In Audit Daemon mode, the Nuage CNI plugin also operates as a background systemd service (nuage-cni) on each agent VRS node and periodically audits agent VRS nodes to make sure the ports in VRS correspond to the currently functional containers/pods. If there are any stale VRS ports which do not correspond to any currently running containers/pods, the nuage-cni service deletes those ports from VRS. nuage-cni service will be started by default on all agent VRS nodes as a part of the CNI plugin installation. To stop the audit daemon, execute systemctl stop nuage-cni on the agent VRS node.

Build Nuage CNI plugin

Steps to generate CNI plugin binaries

Steps to generate CNI plugin rpm packages

Steps to generate Nuage CNI docker image for CNI daemon sets install

Automated Nuage CNI plugin installation