

My pagedown rendered CV

Switch to googlesheets

As I get older and more crotchety I find it more and more difficult to manually update a CSV. In response to this, I have moved the data-storing mechanism from a plain CSV to google sheets using the wonderful googlesheets4 package. This allows for a much more easy updating system and also makes it easy to store all the other info that didn't feel write to put into a CSV before (like the intro and aside text) right with everything as separate pages/sheets within the main sheet.


This repo contains the source-code and results of my CV built with the pagedown package and a modified version of the 'resume' template.

The main files are:

Want to use this to build your own CV/resume?

I built a package that makes setting up a CV this way rather easy: datadrivencv.

The easiest way to get going is running these lines in the directory you want to have your CV in:


datadrivencv::use_datadriven_cv(full_name = "My Name")

This should populate your directory with the appropriate files to get started building your CV. Just fill in the internals with your own info. For a more detailed set of examples, see the packages website and docs.

Looking for the old version with just a single CSV?

The blog post I originally wrote about this process used an older version of this document. I think that the new googlesheets method is easier to maintain and extend, however the old version is alive and well here.