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@mos-connection/connector NPM Version @mos-connection/helper NPM Version @mos-connection/model NPM Version

MOS-Connection is a Node.js library to communicate, using the MOS Protocol, with systems such as Newsroom Computer Systems (NRCS) or other MOS devices.

Features include:

This library is developed as a part of the Sofie TV Automation System.

General Sofie System Information


MOS-Connection consists of 4 packages:

Getting Started


npm install @mos-connection/connector


_See more examples in the examples folder, or the QuickMos implementation!

import { MosConnection } from '@mos-connection/connector'

let mos = new MosConnection(new ConnectionConfig({
	mosID: 'my.mos.application',
	acceptsConnections: true,
	profiles: {
		'0': true,
        '1': true,
        '2': true,
        '4': true
	openRelay: true
	debug: false
mos.onConnection((device: MosDevice) => { // called whenever there is a new connection to a mos-device
	if (device.hasConnection) { // true if we can send messages to the mos-server
	    device.getMachineInfo().then((lm) => {
			console.log('Machineinfo', lm)
	// Setup callbacks to pipe data:
	device.onRequestMachineInfo(() => {})
	device.onCreateRunningOrder((ro) => {})
	device.onDeleteRunningOrder((RunningOrderID: MosString128) => {})
	device.onReadyToAir(() => {})
	// ...


"Quick-MOS" is a simple MOS application that can be used to test the MOS-connection library.

It reads data-files from disk and pretends to be an NRCS, so you can connect other MOS-clients to it.

See Quick-MOS for more information.

MOS Support

The MOS-Connection library currently supports the MOS Protocol version 2.8.5.

Supported MOS Profiles

Profile 0Implemented
Profile 1Implemented
Profile 2Implemented
Profile 3Implemented
Profile 4Implemented
Profile 5Not implemented (yet)
Profile 6Not implemented (yet)
Profile 7Not implemented (yet)

Pull Requests for the remaining profiles would be happily accepted!

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