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ShapML <img src="./tools/ShapML_logo.png" alt="ShapML logo" align="right" height="138.5" style="display: inline-block;">

The purpose of ShapML is to compute stochastic feature-level Shapley values which can be used to (a) interpret and/or (b) assess the fairness of any machine learning model. Shapley values are an intuitive and theoretically sound model-agnostic diagnostic tool to understand both global feature importance across all instances in a data set and instance/row-level local feature importance in black-box machine learning models.

This package implements the algorithm described in Å trumbelj and Kononenko's (2014) sampling-based Shapley approximation algorithm to compute the stochastic Shapley values for a given instance and model feature.


using Pkg
using Pkg
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url = "https://github.com/nredell/ShapML.jl"))

Documentation and Vignettes