

Mongo to D2 (M2D2)

Maintained and supported by

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D2 Diagrams are very useful know exactly what schemas your database is following. If you have a mongo database that you'd like to diagram, you can use this tool to generate a schema for it.

Here is an example of the output of this tool rendered in Terrastruct.


This Tool Supports



$ node index "mongodb://localhost:27017"

Database Setup

Due to mongo having no actual relational data, we have to rely on the names of fields to get the correlation. Thus a forign reference in Mongo should be of the form "_<collection_name>Id" or "<collection_name>Id" as a field in a document. For example, if we have a collection named "templates" and a document links to its id then we expect the document to contain a field called "_templateId" or "templateId".


We will look in the future to move this tool to a npm distributed cli tool for better maintainability and additional features.

In addition, we will look to support a way to put in custom mapping so your database does not have to change to use this tool.

If you wish to contribute to this tool, <a href="https://discord.novu.co">Come Join Our Discord</a> and discuss with the team what you would like to do.