

websockify-other: Alternative WebSocket implementations

This directory contain various implementations of WebSockets-to-TCP-Socket proxies. These are not as complete as the primary Python and JavaScript projects, but should still be usable.


If you are a websockify developer/integrator/user (or want to be) please join the <a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/novnc">noVNC/websockify discussion group</a>

Bugs and feature requests can be submitted via github issues.

If you want to show appreciation for websockify you could donate to a great non-profits such as: Compassion International, SIL, Habitat for Humanity, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Against Malaria Foundation, Nothing But Nets, etc. Please tweet <a href="http://www.twitter.com/noVNC">@noVNC</a> if you do.