

<p align="center"> <img src="./logo.png" width="150px" /> </p> <h1 align="center">neoblog on nOS</h1> <p align="center"> This creates a project <strong>boilerplate</strong> for <strong>React</strong> with a custom stack </p>


The goal is to provide an implementation of NeoBlog on nOs.


$ git clone https://github.com/nOs/example-neoblog.git
$ cd example-neoblog
$ yarn
$ yarn start


Use yarn test:local or npm run test:local to run all tests locally. The test command is reserved for CI builds.

Project guidelines


Committing and versioning

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Conventional Commits. Don't forget to scope your commits!

We use the following types everywhere: feat, fix, chore and docs. Refactor and test commits are considered chores. We only use BREAKING CHANGE when pushing, surprise surprise, breaking changes from development to master.

Merging a BREAKING CHANGE commit to master corresponds with a Major version, feat with minor and fix with patch. Bundle your chore and docs commits with any of the previously mentioned types.

Don't forget to update the version in package.json as well before you merge a version update in development! Because after every push to master, a corresponding tag should be created detailing all changes added to this new version in the summary and CHANGELOG.md.

Husky has been added to provide automated precommit functionality that's hooked into Prettier and Jest. You still need to git add these changes and amend them to the previous commit, so don't forget to amend the changes before you push!


Speaking of changelogs! When pushing changes to development that warrant a version update, group changes per version and then per type. Order your change types like this (but only use what's applicable):

You can find inspiration in this entry here.

Known issues

Build assets to dedicated subdirectory https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel/issues/233