

🌀 i2pchat

Anonymous private secure opensource chat using end-to-end encrypted transport.

Previously I2P Qt Messenger.

Current project status: Wreckage

косяки в и2пчате. всё переломал там

For plans description, see <a href="https://github.com/drmagma/i2pchat/issues/85">issue 85</a>.


How to run it

To make I2P Chat work over your I2P router, you need to enable SAM in your router:

Security measures

Since version 0.3.1

When building this, make sure you do not define DEBUGLOGGING. If you do define it, the app will log debug info (which includes all chat messages) to configdir/DebugLog.txt if set DebugLogging to true in General group in the app's configuration. See main.cpp and form_settingsgui.cpp for more details on DEBUGLOGGING. All versions < 0.3.1 are affected by this and are less secure.

Project status, news and history

Older Project status

Now the development was resumed by Hypnosis and R4SAS, with a lot more folks as testers & bugs+issues reporters.

Current news

11 Feb, 2017: I started a great overhaul of the code, I consider the old code junior very bad quality. It's impossible to modify such a chaos. A german coder of the original I2PQtMessenger seems to have known nothing about OOP.

5 Jan, 2017: Original repo at http://git.repo.i2p/w/I2P-Messenger-QT.git was fully merged here.


Original developer of this messenger went away.


The license of this software is GPLv2.

Build instructions

sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake qt5-default build-essential libqt5multimedia5 qtmultimedia5-dev
qmake I2P-Messenger.pro "CONFIG += release"

or for debug:

qmake I2P-Messenger.pro "CONFIG += debug"

or simply


Old files and sites

List of relevant repositories

Two repos: