

Pinafore No Maintenance Intended

Note: Pinafore is unmaintained. Read this. Original documentation follows.

An alternative web client for Mastodon, focused on speed and simplicity.

Pinafore is available at pinafore.social. Beta releases are at dev.pinafore.social.

See the user guide for basic usage. See the admin guide if Pinafore cannot connect to your instance.

For updates and support, follow @pinafore@fosstodon.org.

Browser support

Pinafore supports the latest versions of the following browsers:

Compatible versions of each (Opera, Brave, Samsung, etc.) should be fine.

Goals and non-goals


Secondary / possible future goals



Pinafore requires Node.js and Yarn.

To build Pinafore for production, first install dependencies:

yarn --production --pure-lockfile

Then build:

yarn build

Then run:

PORT=4002 node server.js


To build a Docker image for production:

docker build .
docker run -d -p 4002:4002 [your-image]

Now Pinafore is running at localhost:4002.


Alternatively, use docker-compose to build and serve the image for production:

docker-compose up --build -d

The image will build and start, then detach from the terminal running at localhost:4002.


To keep your version of Pinafore up to date, you can use git to check out the latest tag:

git checkout $(git tag -l | sort -Vr | head -n 1)


Pinafore is a static site. When you run yarn build, static files will be written to __sapper__/export.

It is not recommended to directly expose these files when self-hosting. Instead, you should use node server.js (e.g. with an nginx or Apache proxy in front). This adds several things you don't get from the raw static files:

Having an nginx config generator is currently an open issue.

Developing and testing

See CONTRIBUTING.md for how to run Pinafore in dev mode and run tests.


For a changelog, see the GitHub releases.

For a list of breaking changes, see BREAKING_CHANGES.md.

What's with the name?

Pinafore is named after the Gilbert and Sullivan play. The soundtrack is very good.