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Want to get more bang for the buck? Check out DANM Utils too!

DANM Utils is the home to independet Operators built on top of the DANM network management platform, providing value added services to your cluster! Interested in adding outage resiliency to your IPAM, or universal network policy support? Look no further and hop over to https://github.com/nokia/danm-utils today!

Table of Contents


DANM is Nokia's solution to bring TelCo grade network management into a Kubernetes cluster! DANM has more than 4 years of history inside the company, is currently deployed into production, and it is finally available for everyone, here on GitHub.

The name stands for "Damn, Another Network Manager!", because yes, we know: the last thing the K8s world needed is another TelCo company "revolutionizing" networking in Kubernetes. But still we hope that potential users checking out our project will involuntarily proclaim "DANM, that's some good networking stuff!" :)

Please consider for a moment that there is a whole other world out there, with special requirements, and DANM is the result of those needs! We are certainly not saying DANM is THE network solution, but we think it is a damn good one! Want to learn more about this brave new world? Don't hesitate to contact us, we are always quite happy to share the special requirements we need to satisfy each and every day.

In any case, DANM is more than just a plugin, it is an End-To-End solution to a whole problem domain. It is:

Install an Akraino REC and get DANM for free!

Just kidding as DANM is always free, but if you want to install a production grade, open-source Kubernetes-based bare metal CaaS infrastructure by default equipped with DANM and with a single click of a button nonetheless; just head over to Linux Foundation Akraino Radio Edge Cloud (REC) wiki for the Akraino REC Architecture and the Akraino REC Installation Guide Not just for TelCo!

The above functionalities are implemented by the following components:

Our philosophy and motivation behind DANM

It is undeniable that TelCo products- even in containerized format- must own physically separated network interfaces, but we have always felt other projects put too much emphasis on this lone fact, and entirely ignored -or were afraid to tackle- the larger issue with Kubernetes. That is: capability to provision multiple network interfaces to Pods is a very limited enhancement if the cloud native feature of Kubernetes cannot be used with those extra interfaces.

This is the very big misconception our solution aims to rectify - we strongly believe that all network interfaces shall be natively supported by K8s, and there are no such things as "primary", or "secondary" network interfaces. Why couldn't NetworkPolicies, Services, LoadBalancers, all of these existing and proven Kubernetes constructs work with all network interfaces? Why couldn't network administrators freely decide which physical networks are reachable by a Pod? In our opinion the answer is quite simple: because networks are not first-class citizens in Kubernetes.

This is the historical reason why DANM's CRD based, abstract network management APIs were born, and why is the whole ecosystem built around the concept of promoting networks to first-class Kubernetes API objects.

This approach opens-up a plethora of possibilities, even with today's Kubernetes core code!

The following chapters will guide you through the description of these features, and will show you how you can leverage them in your Kubernetes cluster.

Scope of the project

You will see at the end of this README that we really went above and beyond what "networks" are in vanilla Kubernetes.

But, DANM core project never did, and will break one core concept: DANM is first and foremost a run-time agnostic standard CNI system for Kubernetes, 100% adhering to the Kubernetes life-cycle management principles.

It is important to state this, because the features DANM provides open up a couple of very enticing, but also very dangerous avenues:

We strongly feel that all such scenarios incompatible with the life-cycle of a standard CNI plugin firmly fall outside the responsibility of the core DANM project. That being said, tell us about your Kubernetes breaking ideas! We are open to accept such plugins into the wider umbrella of the existing eco-system: outside of the core project, but still loosely linked to suite as optional, external components. Just because something doesn't fit into core DANM, it does not mean it can't fit into your cloud! Please visit DANM utils repository for more info.


See Deployment Guide.

User guide

See User Guide.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Special thanks to the original author who started the whole project in 2015 by putting a proprietary network management plugin between Kubelet and Docker; and also for coining the DANM acronym: Peter Braun (@peter-braun)


This project is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License - see the LICENSE