


A toy to deal DNS over HTTPS and more!

dealdoh-client is a simple DNS client embedding a DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) proxy server and CLI to make & forward DNS queries through a variety of upstreams.

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dealdoh-client can be use in different manners and for different purposes:

Dealdoh is built on top of the Dealdoh library.


Getting started

As mentionned above, there is multiple ways to use dealdoh-client. Let's see what can be done at the time with dealdoh-client.

As a DoH proxy server

As a DNS command-line client



git clone https://github.com/noglitchyo/dealdoh-client

composer install

composer require noglitchyo/dealdoh-client


Add a DNS upstream

You can use the following command to add a DNS upstream to the DNS pool:

php bin/dealdoh upstream:add https://dns.google.com/resolve google-doh-api

Execute a DNS query

To execute DNS query directly from the command-line, you can use the provided binary:

php bin/dealdoh resolve tools.ietf.org AAAA --pretty

It will output the result as JSON string: (response is truncated)

    "header": {
        "id": 0,
        "qr": true,
        "opcode": 0,
        "aa": false,
        "tc": false,
        "rd": true,
        "ra": true,
        "z": 0,
        "rcode": 0
    "question": [
            "qname": "tools.ietf.org.",
            "qtype": 28,
            "qclass": 1
    "answer": [
            "name": "tools.ietf.org.",
            "type": 28,
            "class": 1,
            "ttl": 13,
            "data": "2001:1900:3001:11::3e"
    "authority": [],
    "additional": []


If you wish to run the test, checkout the project and run the test with:

composer test


Get started here CONTRIBUTING.md.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details