Storage 🗄
A package to ease the use of multiple storage and CDN services.
Table of Contents
📦 Installation
Add Storage
to the package dependencies (in your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
as well as to your target (e.g. "App"):
targets: [
name: "App",
dependencies: [... "Storage" ...]
Getting started 🚀
Storage makes it easy to start uploading and downloading files. Just register a network driver and get going.
Upload a file 🌐
There are a few different interfaces for uploading a file, the simplest being the following:
bytes: [UInt8],
fileName: String?,
fileExtension: String?,
mime: String?,
folder: String,
on container: Container
) throws -> String
The aforementioned function will attempt to upload the file using your selected driver and template and will return a String
representing the location of the file.
If you want to upload an image named profile.png
your call site would look like:
try Storage.upload(
bytes: bytes,
fileName: "profile.png",
on: req
Base64 and data URI 📡
Is your file a base64 or data URI? No problem!
Storage.upload(base64: "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==", fileName: "base64.txt", on: req)
Storage.upload(dataURI: "data:,Hello%2C%20World!", fileName: "data-uri.txt", on: req)
Remote resources
Download an asset from a URL and then reupload it to your storage server.
Storage.upload(url: "", fileName: "profile.png", on: req)
Download a file ✅
To download a file that was previously uploaded you simply use the generated path.
// download image as `Foundation.Data`
let data = try Storage.get("/images/profile.png", on: req)
Get CDN path
In order to use the CDN path convenience, you'll have to set the CDN base url on Storage, e.g. in your configure.swift
Storage.cdnBaseURL = ""
Here is how you generate the CDN path to a given asset.
let cdnPath = try Storage.getCDNPath(for: path)
If your CDN path is more involved than cdnUrl
+ path
, you can build out Storage's optional completionhandler to override the default functionality.
Storage.cdnPathBuilder = { baseURL, path in
let joinedPath = (baseURL + path)
return joinedPath.replacingOccurrences(of: "/images/original/", with: "/image/")
Delete a file ❌
Deleting a file can be done as follows.
try Storage.delete("/images/profile.png")
Configuration ⚙
has a variety of configurable options.
Network driver 🔨
The network driver is the module responsible for interacting with your 3rd party service. The default, and currently the only, driver is s3
import Storage
let driver = try S3Driver(
bucket: "bucket",
accessKey: "access",
secretKey: "secret"
services.register(driver, as: NetworkDriver.self)
, accessKey
and secretKey
are required by the S3 driver, while template
, host
and region
are optional. region
will default to eu-west-1
and host
will default to
Upload path 🛣
A times, you may need to upload files to a different scheme than /file.ext
. You can achieve this by passing in the pathTemplate
parameter when creating the S3Driver
. If the parameter is omitted it will default to /#file
The following template will upload profile.png
from the folder images
to /myapp/images/profile.png
let driver = try S3Driver(
bucket: "mybucket",
accessKey: "myaccesskey",
secretKey: "mysecretkey",
pathTemplate: "/myapp/#folder/#file"
Aliases are special keys in your template that will be replaced with dynamic information at the time of upload.
Note: if you use an alias and the information wasn't provided at the file upload's callsite, Storage will throw a missingX
: The file's name and extension.
File: "test.png"
Returns: test.png
: The file's name.
File: "test.png"
Returns: test
: The file's extension.
File: "test.png"
Returns: png
: The provided folder.
File: "uploads/test.png"
Returns: uploads
: The file's content type.
File: "test.png"
Returns: image/png
: A folder generated according to the file's mime.
This alias will check the file's mime and if it's an image, it will return images/original
else it will return data
File: "test.png"
Returns: images/original
: The current day.
File: "test.png"
Date: 12/12/2012
Returns: 12
: The current month.
File: "test.png"
Date: 12/12/2012
Returns: 12
: The current year.
File: "test.png"
Date: 12/12/2012
Returns: 2012
: The time of upload.
File: "test.png"
Time: 17:05:00
Returns: 17:05:00
: A generated UUID.
File: "test.png"
Returns: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
🏆 Credits
This package is developed and maintained by the Vapor team at Nodes.
📄 License
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license