


This is a plugin for nodenv that lets you set global and project-specific environment variables before spawning Node processes.

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To install nodenv-vars, clone this repository into your $(nodenv root)/plugins directory. (You'll need a recent version of nodenv that supports plugin bundles.)

$ mkdir -p $(nodenv root)/plugins
$ cd $(nodenv root)/plugins
$ git clone https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv-vars.git


Define environment variables in an .nodenv-vars file in your project, one variable per line, in the format VAR=value. For example:


You can perform variable substitution with the traditional $ syntax. For example, to append to HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ROOMS:


You may also have conditional variable assignments, such that a variable will only be set if it is not already defined or is blank:


In the above case, USER_ID will only be set if $USER_ID is currently empty (i.e., if [ -z "$USER_ID" ] is true).

Spaces are allowed in values; quoting is not necessary. Expansion and command substitution are not allowed. Lines beginning with # or any lines not in the format VAR=value will be ignored.

Variables specified in the $(nodenv root)/vars file will be set first. Then variables specified in .nodenv-vars files in any parent directories of the current directory will be set. Variables from the .nodenv-vars file in the current directory are set last.

Use the nodenv vars command to print all environment variables in the order they'll be set.


Forked from Sam Stephenson's rbenv-vars by Will McKenzie and modified for nodenv.