

node-addon-api module



This module contains header-only C++ wrapper classes which simplify the use of the C based Node-API provided by Node.js when using C++. It provides a C++ object model and exception handling semantics with low overhead.

API References

API references are available in the doc directory.

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Current version: 8.1.0

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(See CHANGELOG.md for complete Changelog)

node-addon-api is based on Node-API and supports using different Node-API versions. This allows addons built with it to run with Node.js versions which support the targeted Node-API version. However the node-addon-api support model is to support only the active LTS Node.js versions. This means that every year there will be a new major which drops support for the Node.js LTS version which has gone out of service.

The oldest Node.js version supported by the current version of node-addon-api is Node.js 18.x.


The use of badges is recommended to indicate the minimum version of Node-API required for the module. This helps to determine which Node.js major versions are supported. Addon maintainers can consult the Node-API support matrix to determine which Node.js versions provide a given Node-API version. The following badges are available:

Node-API v1 Badge Node-API v2 Badge Node-API v3 Badge Node-API v4 Badge Node-API v5 Badge Node-API v6 Badge Node-API v7 Badge Node-API v8 Badge Node-API v9 Badge Node-API Experimental Version Badge


We love contributions from the community to node-addon-api! See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details on our philosophy around extending this module.

Team members


NameGitHub Link
Anna Henningsenaddaleax
Chengzhong Wulegendecas
Jack XiaJckXia
Kevin EadyKevinEady
Michael Dawsonmhdawson
Nicola Del GobboNickNaso
Vladimir Morozovvmoroz
<details> <summary>Emeritus</summary>


NameGitHub Link
Arunesh Chandraaruneshchandra
Benjamin Byholmkkoopa
Gabriel Schulhofgabrielschulhof
Hitesh Kanwathirthadigitalinfinity
Jason Ginchereaujasongin
Jim Schlightjschlight
Sampson Gaosampsongao
Taylor Wollboingoing


Licensed under MIT