

Node.js Help

<p align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://nodejs.org/static/logos/nodejsStackedLight.svg"> <img src="https://nodejs.org/static/logos/nodejsStackedDark.svg" width="200px"> </picture> </p>

Welcome to Node.js Help!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Node.js Help is here to assist you with all your Node.js questions and concerns.

For more information on Node.js, including installation and building, visit the nodejs/node repository.

How to Ask a Good Question

1. Be Specific

2. Use Clear Language

3. State Your Goal

4. Provide Relevant Details

5. Be Respectful

6. Check for Duplicates

7. Format Appropriately

8. Proofread Your Question

9. Be Open to Feedback

10. Follow Up

What to Ask:

1. Clear and Specific Questions:

2. Troubleshooting Questions:

3. Conceptual Questions:

What NOT to Ask:

1. General Programming Questions:

2. Personal Debugging:

3. Unsupported or External Package Issues:

4. Opinion-Based Questions:

5. Duplicate Questions:

6. Requests for Complete Solutions:

7. Unrelated or Off-Topic Questions:

8. Extremely Broad Questions:


When inserting your code, use 3 backticks, followed by js as shown below:

console.log('happy coding!');
console.log('happy coding!');


You can participate by asking or answering open questions in the issues section.

External Links