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Create HTML snippets/embeds from URLs using info from oEmbed, Open Graph, meta tags.

Key feature:

Live Demo


npm install embedza --save

run dev server (with debug messages):

DEBUG=embedza:* npm start


Render player for youtube video:

const Embedza = require('embedza');
const embedza = new Embedza();

embedza.render('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrZSfMiVC88', 'block')
  .then(result => {
    if (result) console.log(result.html, result.type);


new Embedza(options)

Creates new Embedza instance with specified options:

.render(url, type) -> Promise

Try to create HTML snippet of requested type by URL.


If url can not be rendered - returns null. On remote errors fails with error info.

.info(url) -> Promise

Similar to .render(), but returns object with full url description.


If url info does not exists - returns null. On remote errors fails with error info.


Iterates through domains rules to modify those.


Get domain rule by name.


Rerister new service. If String passed - enable domain with default rules. If Object passed - create custom configuration:


Add add data fetcher. Options:


Add mixin (data handler). Options:


Add post-processor "after" handler. The same as .addMixin, but handlers are axecuted after all mixins. Options:

Advanced customization


By default it's a wrapper for request. You can override it. For example to force use cache only.


Manage available templates:

const _       = require('lodash');
const Embedza = require('embedza');
const embedza = new Embedza();

// Customize templates
embedza.templates['default_inline'] = _.template('...template code...', { variable: 'self' });
embedza.templates['youtube.com_player'] = _.template('...template code...', { variable: 'self' });

// Customize template aliases
embedza.aliases.block = [ 'player', 'photo' ];

Similar projects

Embedza is inspired by projects above, but designed to satisfy our requirements. For example, it supports inline output format.
