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</details> <!-- ||| Head Section ||| --> <!-- <table align="center"><td> You can now test the <a href="https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/releases/">Mac Mouse Fix 3 Beta!</a> </td></table> --> <br> <div align="center"> <a href="https://noah-nuebling.github.io/mac-mouse-fix-website"> <img src="Markdown/Media/AppIconRound3.png" width="200" height="auto"> </a> <h1>Mac Mouse Fix</h1> <p>Make Your $10 Mouse Better Than an Apple Trackpad!</p> </div> <br> <br> <div align="center"> <table> <th><a href=https://noah-nuebling.github.io/mac-mouse-fix-website>Website&nbsp;↗</a></th> <td><a href=https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/issues/new/choose>Help&nbsp;&&nbsp;Feedback</a></td> <td><a href=https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/releases>Releases</a></td> <td><a href="Acknowledgements.md">Acknowledgements</a></td> <!-- If you translate this, remember to link to the right language version --> </table> <!-- vvv Hint for translators: You can change the label by editing the text inside the URL after `label=`. Use url encoding for special chars. E.g. `%20` to insert spaces. --> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/total?label=Downloads&color=25c65f"> </div> <br> <br> <br> <br> <!--Use this extra br when theres text above the first header (Edit: I think by "first header" I meant the h1 saying "Mac Mouse Fix", but not sure) --> <!-- <br> --> <!-- ||| Intro Text ||| -->

Mac Mouse Fix is an app that makes your mouse better.

I want to turn Mac Mouse Fix into the best mouse driver of all time! Some features are still missing at the moment, but I think it already turns regular mice into the best input devices for Macs in some ways. At the same level or even better than an Apple Trackpad or a Logitech MX Master mouse.

For more information on how exactly Mac Mouse Fix enhances your mouse, visit the website.

<!-- easy, efficient, natural and pleasant Better than an Apple Trackpad or a Logitech MX Master. (These are often considered some of the best input devices for Macs) It offers amazingly natural and polished gestures and smooth scrolling that let you breeze through macOS just like an Apple Trackpad. It lets you do almost anything right from your mouse with its powerful customization options that are so simple and intuitive that anyone can use them. -->


See the website for an overview of the features of Mac Mouse Fix, including video demos!

For more details, see the <a href=https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/releases>Releases</a>.

<!-- Major features were introduced in these versions: [0.9](https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/releases/tag/0.9.0) | [1.0.0](https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/releases/tag/1.0.0) | [2.0.0](https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/releases/tag/2.0.0) | [2.1.0](https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix/releases/tag/2.1.0) | 3.0.0 -->


Download the latest version of Mac Mouse Fix on the website.

You can also install Mac Mouse Fix through Homebrew! Just type the following command into the terminal:

brew install mac-mouse-fix

You can download older versions of Mac Mouse Fix under Releases.

macOS compatibility

The latest version of Mac Mouse Fix is made for macOS 11 Big Sur or later.

If you're on macOS 10.15 Catalina, macOS 10.14 Mojave, or macOS 10.13 High Sierra, you can use the latest version of Mac Mouse Fix 2. Mac Mouse Fix 3.0.0 and later might still work on your machine, but they will have visual issues and some features might not work properly.

If you're on macOS 10.12 Sierra, or 10.11 El Capitan, you can use Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.0 or below.


See the website for an overview of the pricing for Mac Mouse Fix 3.
Mac Mouse Fix 2 and below will remain free forever.


Uninstall Mac Mouse Fix by simply moving it to the bin.

However, there will be files left on your system. To get rid of these files I recommend the awesome AppCleaner by FreeMacSoft.

Under macOS, it is not feasible for apps to delete these leftover files by themselves when you delete the app. That's why I highly recommend using an app like AppCleaner.

What people say

Thanks so much to everyone sharing their excitement about Mac Mouse Fix!
On the website you can find a collection of nice things people have said about the app.

<!-- These cool articles were written about MMF - That YouTube video (so sick) - Lifehacker - Blib blob (Japanese) - Not CNET review - (?If you know about other coverage of MMF let me know?) -->



<!-- - **How many buttons should my mouse have?** To get the best experience I recommend using Mac Mouse Fix with a mouse that has at least 5 buttons. If your mouse has fewer than 5 buttons, Mac Mouse Fix still provides rich functionality and a great experience, but some features will be less easy to access compared to a 5-button mouse. With a 5-button mouse, you can really breeze through macOS in a way that's just as nice as an Apple Trackpad! To learn more, see the [trackpad section](https://noah-nuebling.github.io/mac-mouse-fix-website#trackpad) on the website. - **Mouse brands** I'm not the biggest expert on mouse hardware, but I do have quite a collection now, thanks to my work on Mac Mouse Fix! If I had to make a recommendation for what mouse to buy for the best experience with Mac Mouse fix, I'd say get a smaller, chinese brand on Amazon. In my experience, these mice often have better build quality at a fraction of the price of a big brand mouse like Logitech or Roccat. Also, some models of bigger manufacturers like Logitech are made to be used with their proprietary driver software, and they won't be fully compatible with Mac Mouse Fix. If you buy a smaller brand, you can usually be sure, that they will work flawlessly with non-proprietary drivers like Mac Mouse Fix. -->

How you can contribute

There are several ways to help the project.
Check out the Acknowledgements for more info on who has already contributed!

<!-- - **Spreading the word** If you simply talk about Mac Mouse Fix on the internet or elsewhere, that is very helpful for the project. -->

Thank you to everyone who has already contributed and supported me in trying to make the best mouse driver of all time! :)🚀


<details> <summary>Background</summary> <br> Hi I'm Noah!

Initial Release

In 2019, during my first semester break, I released Mac Mouse Fix - a simple way to make your mouse better! It was a simple portfolio/passion project and I didn't really expect people to use it, but people ended up really liking it and even bought me some milkshakes, which was a great feeling! :) Here's what I wrote on the Mac Mouse Fix website back then:

My name is Noah and I made Mac Mouse Fix. When I started this project I was completely new to software development, but with the power of Google, Stack Overflow, and Apple's Developer Documentation at my fingertips I managed to learn what is necessary to deliver a solid little app that I hope will be useful for you guys. Working on Mac Mouse Fix made me discover a passion for programming, and led me to enroll in a Computer Science Degree at college, which has been awesome so far. I probably won't have a lot of time to work on Mac Mouse Fix during the semester, but please feel free to make your own contributions to Mac Mouse Fix on GitHub!

I think what people really appreciated about the first version of Mac Mouse Fix was that it was free and very simple and felt almost like a native part of macOS. The feature-set was quite limited but well-implemented and people who only wanted those features were really happy with the app.

Mac Mouse Fix 2 & Innovations

After that, I kept developing Mac Mouse Fix on and off between my studies. I discovered ways of simulating Apple Trackpad gestures that were never previously discovered, as far as I know. And I also developed a really innovative UI for remapping mouse buttons that is both more simple and more flexible than anything I've seen before.

I released the coolest benefits of these innovations with Mac Mouse Fix 2 in 2020. It let you Click and Drag to use Mission Control and Spaces in a way that feels just as fluid and native as swiping on a Trackpad, and it also let you do 7 things with just one button and allowed for endless customizations due to the super nice remapping UI.

I also figured out how to adjust the pointer speed under macOS which no software could do before except for SteerMouse and its spin-off CursorSense. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to release features based on this technology, yet, but because Mac Mouse Fix is open source, other apps like LinearMouse have been able to ship features based on the things I discovered back then.

Mac Mouse Fix 3 & Mental Health

After Mac Mouse Fix 2 was released, I kept working on the project during semester breaks. My goal was now to turn Mac Mouse Fix into a full-fledged Trackpad replacement. All the pieces were almost in place to let Mac Mouse Fix bring all the smooth Gestures and workflows that people are used to from a Trackpad to any cheap mouse.

So I began working on the necessary features to make this a reality. I was close, but making it really good ended up being much harder than I anticipated. I worked for months, discovering low-level hacks in macOS and implementing complex maths to finally end up with a system that allows you to use all the Trackpad gestures straight from your mouse in a way that feels just as polished, intuitive and seamless as a real Trackpad!

I also developed an innovative, beautifully animated UI for Mac Mouse Fix that dynamically hides or shows UI elements to provide powerful customization options while being super simple to use. In my opinion, the UI provides some of the sleekest, nicest settings of any app on macOS.

(Sorry if I'm tooting my own horn too much here, but I think it's really cool)

Especially since around the time that I released Mac Mouse Fix 2, I have unfortunately struggled a lot with my mental health. And after starting University with really good grades and a nice social life, I unfortunately became too depressed and anxious to finish my degree. Due to my autism and mental health issues, I think I also unfortunately won't be able to hold a normal job anytime soon.
However, I have a lot of passion for working on Mac Mouse Fix and I think I can do it well, despite my mental health struggles. So I made the plan to try to be financially independent through app development. In Fall of 2023, I set my sights towards working on Mac Mouse Fix full-time and slowly, but deliberately turning it into the best mouse driver ever (🚀🚀🚀) and an app that any Mac user with a mouse can appreciate and benefit from.

I released Mac Mouse Fix 3 in 2023 with the tagline 'Make Your $10 Mouse Better Than an Apple Trackpad!'. It's free for 30 days and costs $1.99 to own. I hope that's a fair price that anyone can afford while allowing me to make a living. So far it looks like I can live off of the sales revenues! Meaning that I can keep working on Mac Mouse Fix full time and turn it into the best app that I possibly can.

Thanks so much to everyone for their support, be it through financial support, by giving constructive feedback, or by simply sharing their excitement about the app with me. Thanks! :) <3

(January 7th 2023)

<!-- I also updated the UI to house all the options for the new features that were - and will be - added. In my opinion, the UI provides some of the sleekest and most beautiful settings of any app on macOS. On first glance it looks very much like any native macOS app, but there are beautiful animations throughout giving it a highly polished feel, and you will only see options that are relevant to you at the moment, because the UI smartly hides and reveals sections based on context. This way I hope I can retain the extremely simple and intuitive setup of older versions of MMF while still providing options for many features. In the process of that I also had to completely rewrite large parts of the Mac Mouse Fix source code such as the entire scrolling system. I also created an innovative new UI for Mac Mouse Fix that feels extremely polished, allows for housing much more options, while still being extremely simple to use, and feeling like a better version of native macOS settings UIs. The UI dynamically resizes itself, and it hides and reveals options with beautiful animations. That way, the UI is as simple and clean and non-overwhelming as possible while still providing a lot more options than before, and the animations make it feel really beautiful and dynamic. --> </details>