


use webhook to analysis automaticly that who stared your repository, where are they. Besides you can fellow some users.



Let's start

The tech we use

Project Details

Project Screen

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Version 0.1

Version 0.0.2

add origanzation support and fix user's following list bug.

Version 0.0.1

show users' repo star, follower infomations in the human style.


Q & A

Because when initialize the repository, we can only get small amount pages history of event records by github api. As the github api said, in order to keep the API fast for everyone, pagination is limited for this resource.

Some body do not set their location, besides we use geonames.org api to judge accurate name of your city. If you name it by nickname, take for example, you named Beijing of China to DiDU(帝都), we can not recognize it. We set the location to none. If you have better api than getnames.org, contact me(no13bus@gmail.com). Thanks.