

This repository contains build scripts for building a C# assembly using every version of Il2Cpp from 5.3.0f4 (from 2015) onwards. It was used to test the Il2CppInspector project, and can also be used to compare Il2Cpp structures and outputs between versions.

Currently, everything only works on Windows and builds only for Windows. I welcome PRs adding support for other platforms (Linux, macOS, building for Android/iOS/etc.).

Building everything

To force a rebuild of an individual version, use the f (force) option when calling build.bat.

Note that downloading and building everything will probably take a long time - on the order of multiple hours.

Header files

A secondary purpose for this repo is documenting and collecting header files describing the internal structures for every version of Il2Cpp. The script headers/extract.py can help to extract a usable C/C++ header from a particular version of Il2Cpp.

How To Extract New Header and API files

Note: this only works if there haven't been significant changes to the internal file structure of the Unity Installation executables. Otherwise a new "group" will have to be created for this different file structure.