


Phoney is a sensor simulator library for iOS. It simulates the rotation data provided by CMMotionManager. It can be if you are running a simulator and need to simulate rotation of the device, or if you need to precise rotation test cases that can be persisted.


  1. Clone the repository somewhere on your hard drive
  2. Open your project in XCode
  3. Drag and drop Phoney folder into your project
  4. Build it as a static library


If there deviceMotion isn't available on the device, you simply instantiate the DummyMotionManager instead.

self.motionManager= [[CMMotionManager alloc] init];
BOOL deviceMotionAvailable= [self.motionManager isDeviceMotionAvailable];

    self.motionManager= [[DummyMotionManager alloc] init];

self.motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval= myUpdateInterval;
[self.motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdates];

From there, you can read the rotation data.

CMRotationMatrix rotationMatrix= self.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.rotationMatrix;
CMQuaternion quaternion= self.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.quaternion;

Simulating rotation

But how do you actually simulate the rotation? PhoneyUI. It will simulate rotation and send the data to localhost using UDP on a configured port. <b>Make sure that port in your .plist file matches the port in the PhoneyUI</b>. You can configure the port by adding a value for "PhoneyPort" key inside your .plist file. The default port is 28000.