Phoney is a sensor simulator library for iOS. It simulates the rotation data provided by CMMotionManager. It can be if you are running a simulator and need to simulate rotation of the device, or if you need to precise rotation test cases that can be persisted.
- Clone the repository somewhere on your hard drive
- Open your project in XCode
- Drag and drop Phoney folder into your project
- Build it as a static library
If there deviceMotion isn't available on the device, you simply instantiate the DummyMotionManager instead.
self.motionManager= [[CMMotionManager alloc] init];
BOOL deviceMotionAvailable= [self.motionManager isDeviceMotionAvailable];
self.motionManager= [[DummyMotionManager alloc] init];
self.motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval= myUpdateInterval;
[self.motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdates];
From there, you can read the rotation data.
CMRotationMatrix rotationMatrix= self.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.rotationMatrix;
CMQuaternion quaternion= self.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.quaternion;
Simulating rotation
But how do you actually simulate the rotation? PhoneyUI. It will simulate rotation and send the data to localhost using UDP on a configured port. <b>Make sure that port in your .plist file matches the port in the PhoneyUI</b>. You can configure the port by adding a value for "PhoneyPort" key inside your .plist file. The default port is 28000.