


Inventus is a spider designed to find subdomains of a specific domain by crawling it and any subdomains it discovers. It's a Scrapy spider, meaning it's easily modified and extendable to your needs.






Inventus requires Scrapy to be installed before it can be run. Firstly, clone the repo and enter it.

$ git clone https://github.com/nmalcolm/Inventus
$ cd Inventus

Now install the required dependencies using pip.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Assuming the installation succeeded, Inventus should be ready to use.


The most basic usage of Inventus is as follows:

$ cd Inventus
$ scrapy crawl inventus -a domain=facebook.com

This tells Scrapy which spider to use ("inventus" in this case), and passes the domain to the spider. Any subdomains found will be sent to STDOUT.

The other custom parameter is subdomain_limit. This sets a max limit of subdomains to discover before quitting. The default value is 10000, but isn't a hard limit.

$ scrapy crawl inventus -a domain=facebook.com -a subdomain_limit=100


Exporting data can be done in multiple ways. The easiest way is redirecting STDOUT to a file.

$ scrapy crawl inventus -a domain=facebook.com > facebook.txt

Scrapy has a built-in feature which allows you to export items into various formats, including CSV, JSON, and XML. Currently only subdomains will be exported, however this may change in the future.

$ scrapy crawl inventus -a domain=facebook.com -t csv -o Facebook.csv


Configurations can be made to how Inventus behaves. By default Inventus will ignore robots.txt, has a 30 second timeout, caches crawl data for 24 hours, has a crawl depth of 5, and uses Scrapy's AutoThrottle extension. These and more can all be changed by editing the inventus_spider/settings.py file. Scrapy's settings are well documented too.

Bugs / Suggestions / Feedback

Feel free to open a new issue for any of the above. Inventus was built in only a few hours and will likely contain bugs. You can also connect with me on Twitter.


Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.