

nlp-unibuc website source

How to test changes locally

You need Pelican and typogrify in order to generate the pages.

   pip3 install -r requirements.txt

In order to deploy the website, if you have commit rights to the organization, the easy way to set up is as follows:

  1. Clone the repo:
   git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:nlp-unibuc/nlp-unibuc-website.git
  1. Generate the website locally:
   python3 -m pelican content/ -o output/ -s pelican.py

   # or if make is available:
   make html

The output directory contains the generated website.

  1. Check your changes on localhost:8000
   cd output && python3 -m http.server

   # or if make is available:
   make serve

Test changes locally with docker

  1. install docker and docker compose

  2. run docker compose up

  3. check your changes on http://localhost:8000

Pushing changes to the reposotory

  1. Push the changes in the source repo
   git status               # to see the files
   git add $FILE            # to add the changes
   git commit -m "done!"    # add some pretty message
   git push origin master   # push to master branch
  1. Visit http://nlp-unibuc.github.io and enjoy your new changes!