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RiakPBC is a low-level riak 2.0 protocol buffer client for node.js.



npm install --save riakpbc


var RiakPBC = require('riakpbc');
var client = RiakPBC.createClient(/* options */);


The options object accepts the following parameters:


For a full reference of all available methods, see the API Reference.

Methods that accept input have the signature (params, callback), where params is an object containing the message to be sent to riak.

Methods that do not accept input have the signature (callback).

Callbacks have the signature (err, response).

If an error occurs, the err object will be a standard Error object wrapping the riak supplied RpbErrorResp message.

If the call was successful, response will be the riak supplied message. Many calls do not return a value, or only return a value when certain flags are set, in these cases the response will be an empty object {}.

client.ping(function (err, response) {
  if (err) {
    return console.error('Failed to ping:', err);

  console.log(response); // {}

Note that callbacks are always optional, and if not supplied the call will return a stream instead.

These streams will emit only an error event if an error occurs. If the call is successful, the stream will emit one or more data events and an end event.

var keys = client.getKeys({ bucket: 'test' });

keys.on('error', function (err) {
  console.error('An error occurred:', err);

keys.on('data', function (response) {
  console.log('Got some keys:', response.keys); // this could fire multiple times

keys.on('end', function () {
  console.log('Finished listing keys');

Data Conversions

RiakPBC attempts to stay as accurate as possible when converting data to and from protocol buffer encoding.

All available messages are documented in the Messages reference.

The primary data types that riak uses are handled as follows:


The bytes type may be supplied as either a string or a Buffer.

By default, when translating a response message these fields will be converted to a string unless they are the vclock or context properties. Since these values are intended to be binary only, they are left as a Buffer.

In the case of RpbContent values, RiakPBC will convert the value field to a string only if a content_type was set, and begins with the string text (as in text/plain or text/xml). In addition, if content_type is set to application/json RiakPBC will parse the value as JSON automatically.

This behavior can be overridden and Buffer objects returned for all bytes fields by setting { parseValues: false } in your client options.


These fields will always be treated as a plain javascript number.


Since javascript does not properly handle 64 bit numbers, these are a special case.

When used as input, you may pass either a number (42), a string ('-98549321293'), or a long.js object.

In a reply, you will always receive a long.js object. These objects allow RiakPBC to properly support real 64 bit number values.


These fields will always be treated as a plain javascript boolean (i.e. true or false).


Several messages accept an enum field. RiakPBC exports these as variables on the main object to simplify input. They are as follows:

These variables are all simple numbers, however, so when RiakPBC returns a message containing one of these types you will receive a plain number. I would recommend using the exported variables for comparison purposes to maintain readable code.

Embedded Messages

All other types not documented here are an embedded message and are recursively encoded/decoded in the same fashion as the above types.


The MIT License (MIT)