


Convene is a shared social calendar platform for you & your friends so you can be up to date with their latest plans and events or collab and organize a shared event of your own.

<strong> <h3>This is still a work in progress! :)</h3> </strong> <br />

Technologies Used

<li>React Native Expo</li> <li>Zustand</li> <li>Firebase V9</li> <li>Typescript</li>

Getting Started


Either download the Expo Go app to run this app locally on your physical device or set up an emulator with Expo Go installed on it. Read more on how to do this here.

To run the app locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository and navigate into the project
    git clone https://github.com/nklmantey/convene.git
    cd convene
  2. Install necessary packages and dependencies
    npm install
  3. Run the app
    npx expo start


<details> <summary>View screenshots</summary> <p align="left"> <img src="screenshots/login2.jpg" width="320" style="border-radius:50%" /> <img src="screenshots/signup2.jpg" width="320" style="border-radius:50%" /> <img src="screenshots/home.jpg" width="320" style="border-radius:50%" /> <img src="screenshots/home-w-bs.jpg" width="320" style="border-radius:50%" /> <img src="screenshots/add-event.jpg" width="320" style="border-radius:50%" /> <img src="screenshots/settings.jpg" width="320" style="border-radius:50%" /> </p> </details>