


The JavaScript version of Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC)

繁體版 - 简体版


Import opencc-js in HTML page

Import in HTML pages:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/opencc-js@1.0.5/dist/umd/full.js"></script>     <!-- Full version -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/opencc-js@1.0.5/dist/umd/cn2t.js"></script>     <!-- For Simplified to Traditional -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/opencc-js@1.0.5/dist/umd/t2cn.js"></script>     <!-- For Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese -->

ES6 import

<script type="module">
  import * as OpenCC from './dist/esm/full.js'; // Full version
  import * as OpenCC from './dist/esm/cn2t.js'; // For Simplified to Traditional
  import * as OpenCC from './dist/esm/t2cn.js'; // For Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese

Import opencc-js in Node.js script

npm install opencc-js


const OpenCC = require('opencc-js');

ES Modules

import * as OpenCC from 'opencc-js';


Basic usage

// Convert Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) to Simplified Chinese (Mainland China)
const converter = OpenCC.Converter({ from: 'hk', to: 'cn' });
console.log(converter('漢語')); // output: 汉语

Custom Converter

const converter = OpenCC.CustomConverter([
  ['香蕉', 'banana'],
  ['蘋果', 'apple'],
  ['梨', 'pear'],
console.log(converter('香蕉 蘋果 梨')); // output: banana apple pear

Or using space and vertical bar as delimiter.

const converter = OpenCC.CustomConverter('香蕉 banana|蘋果 apple|梨 pear');
console.log(converter('香蕉 蘋果 梨')); // output: banana apple pear

Add words

const customDict = [
  ['“', '「'],
  ['”', '」'],
  ['‘', '『'],
  ['’', '』'],
const converter = OpenCC.ConverterFactory(
  OpenCC.Locale.from.cn,                   // Simplified Chinese (Mainland China) => OpenCC standard
  OpenCC.Locale.to.tw.concat([customDict]) // OpenCC standard => Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) with custom words
// output: 悟空道:「師父又來了。怎麼叫做『水中撈月』?」

This will get the same result with an extra convertion.

const customDict = [
  ['“', '「'],
  ['”', '」'],
  ['‘', '『'],
  ['’', '』'],
const converter = OpenCC.ConverterFactory(
  OpenCC.Locale.from.cn, // Simplified Chinese (Mainland China) => OpenCC standard
  OpenCC.Locale.to.tw,   // OpenCC standard => Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
  [customDict]           // Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) => custom words
// output: 悟空道:「師父又來了。怎麼叫做『水中撈月』?」

DOM operations

HTML attribute lang='*' defines the targets.

<span lang="zh-HK">漢語</span>
// Set Chinese convert from Traditional (Hong Kong) to Simplified (Mainland China)
const converter = OpenCC.Converter({ from: 'hk', to: 'cn' });
// Set the conversion starting point to the root node, i.e. convert the whole page
const rootNode = document.documentElement;
// Convert all elements with attributes lang='zh-HK'. Change attribute value to lang='zh-CN'
const HTMLConvertHandler = OpenCC.HTMLConverter(converter, rootNode, 'zh-HK', 'zh-CN');
HTMLConvertHandler.convert(); // Convert  -> 汉语
HTMLConvertHandler.restore(); // Restore  -> 漢語


Bundle optimization

import * as OpenCC from 'opencc-js/core'; // primary code
import * as Locale from 'opencc-js/preset'; // dictionary

const converter = OpenCC.ConverterFactory(Locale.from.hk, Locale.to.cn);