


"Painless linting & formatting for Clarity."

Clariform is a command-line tool for automatically correcting and formatting Clarity code.

This early version has limited functionality, but it's a start:

GitHub release Clariform


While Clariform isn't quite painless yet, it's getting there. Please give it a try and let us know what you think on the issue tracker.

Clariform is available as a pre-built Docker image that is distributed as a GitHub package. Docker will download and run the image for you. If you prefer to clone the repository and build your own, see the instructions in BUILD.md.



Docker must be installed and running.

Pull the Clariform image (optional):

docker pull ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform

This will download Clariform and pre-build a Docker image. It may take some time and produce a lot of output. If you don't do this in advance, the image will be pulled the first time you run Clariform.

Quick Start

Run Clariform in a Docker container:

docker run ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform --help

Lint a Clarity contract from a URL and format it:

docker run ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/njordhov/clariform/main/contracts/malformed.clar"

To process local contracts mount the current working directory as /home and list files as arguments:

docker run -v `pwd`:/home ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform *.clar

This assumes that the current directory contains Clarity contracts with a ".clar" file extension.

The formatted contracts will be written to output.

Use the --output-dir option to specify a directory for formatted contracts:

docker run -v `pwd`:/home ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform --output-dir "out" *.clar


If Clariform fails to open a file, make sure the directory containing the file is mounted and that the pathname of the file is relative to the mount.

If Clariform isn't working as expected, make sure you are running the latest version:

docker run ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform --version

To run a specific version of clariform, append the version at the end:

docker run ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform:v0.6.0 --version

To avoid running an older version of clariform, remove all cached clariform images using this command:

docker rmi --force $(docker images -q ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform)

Alternatively, open the Docker Desktop application to inspect or delete containers and images.

If these actions don't resolve your issue, please report it on the issue tracker.


To make it easier to use clariform, create a named container from the prebuilt image:

docker pull ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform
docker image tag ghcr.io/prompteco/clariform clariform

Run the container to execute clariform:

docker run clariform --help

Docker restricts filesystem access by default. To give Clariform access to files, mount the current working directory as /home:

docker run -v `pwd`:/home clariform .

This will traverse all Clarity contract files (".clar") in the working directory and either output an autocorrected indented version or report a syntax error.

Create Shortcut

To make it easier to use clariform, you can create a shortcut for the clariform command. On Mac/Unix, you can do this by creating an executable script or an alias:

alias clariform="docker run -v \`pwd\`:/home clariform"

To use the shortcut, run this command:

clariform --help


The following instructions assume you have created a clariform alias. If you haven't, use this command in place of "clariform":

docker run -v `pwd`:/home ghcr.io/njordhov/clariform

Select Files

Clariform can open a contract from a URL:

clariform "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/njordhov/clariform/main/contracts/malformed.clar"

You can specify filenames and directories as arguments:

clariform *.clar

If the input contains multiple contracts, Clariform will concatenate the contracts in formatted output, prefixing each with their source location as a comment.

Check Validity

Clariform can check if a contract is valid Clarity code. If the contract is invalid, C larity will report the error and exit. Use the --check flag to activate validation:

clariform --check "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/njordhov/clariform/main/src/test/invalid.clar"

There will be no output if the contract is valid. When checking multiple contracts it will output the name of each contract before validation.

Formatting Options

The --format option allows you to specify the output formatting of Clarity code. The following options are available:

Here are some examples of using the --format option:

clariform --format=adjust contracts/malformed.clar   
clariform --format=indent contracts/malformed.clar   

Validate Syntax

To validate that the contracts have strict Clarity syntax, add a --strict flag:

clariform --strict "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/njordhov/clariform/main/contracts/malformed.clar"

Auto Correct

Clariform automatically fixes many common errors in Clarity contracts. You can use this to keep your contract files valid, or as a preprocessor to allow shorthand notations and more relaxed syntax during editing.

clariform "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/njordhov/clariform/main/contracts/malformed.clar"

Clariform inserts required whitespace in expressions and between them:

;; invalid clarity: missing whitespace
(*(+ 1 2)(+ 3 4)) 


(* (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))

Clariform fixes missing delimiters and incomplete properties in a record literal (aka "tuple"):

;; invalid clarity: missing property value and delimiters
 address "home"}


{name: name,
 age: 5,
 address: "home"}

Clariform wraps a multi-expression function body in a begin form:

;; invalid clarity: multiple expressions in function definition
(define-read-only (half (digit int))
  (asserts! (<= 0 digit 9))
  (/ digit 2))


(define-read-only (half (digit int))
    (asserts! (<= 0 digit 9))
    (/ digit 2)))

Clariform escapes unicode glyphs and ensures unicode/utf8 strings are prefixed:

"A special 🎁 for you"


u"A special \u{1F381} for you"

Clariform formats let bindings according to best practices (disabled when format option is retain or adjust):

;; Confusing formatting making the binding resemble a function call
(let (
  (foo (+ n 1))


(let ((foo (+ n 1)))

Please submit a new issue if you have suggestions for improvements.