

Dummy Text

This plugin inserts the names of mountains in Vermont, U.S.A. for use as dummy text. The names have been stripped of words like Mountain, Mount, and Peak. Names with multiple words have been reduced to a single word with concatenation.

Most of the names were scraped from Wikipedia.


Make a visual selection. Then, call the Vtmt command (:Vtmt). In visual line mode, the plugin will insert the names of Vermont mountains at the begging of each selected line. In visual or visual block mode, the text will be inserted along the left side of the selection.

VtmtFill will insert all of the mountain names on new lines. It's great for filling up an empty file.


Install with your favorite plugin manager. For example, with VimPlug...

Place this in your init.vim:

Plug 'njaczko/nvim-dummy-text'

Then, source init.vim and run :PlugInstall.