


A modular Nix flake framework for simplifying flake definitions.




See the API docs for available options and example usage.

Additional modules

The following modules are also available:


Feel free to ask for help or other questions in the issues/discussions, or reach out on Matrix at #flakelight:nixos.org.



The following is an example flake.nix for a devshell, using the passed in nixpkgs. It outputs devShell.${system}.default attributes for each configured system. systems can be set to change configured systems from the default.

  inputs.flakelight.url = "github:nix-community/flakelight";
  outputs = { flakelight, ... }:
    flakelight ./. {
      devShell.packages = pkgs: [ pkgs.hello pkgs.coreutils ];

With this flake, calling nix develop will make hello and coreutils available.

To use a different nixpkgs, you can instead use:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    flakelight.url = "github:nix-community/flakelight";
  outputs = { flakelight, ... }@inputs:
    flakelight ./. {
      inherit inputs;
      devShell.packages = pkgs: [ pkgs.hello pkgs.coreutils ];

Rust package

The following is an example flake for a Rust project using flakelight-rust, invoked by using flakelight-rust's wrapper. Package metadata is taken from the project's Cargo.toml.

  inputs.flakelight-rust.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight-rust";
  outputs = { flakelight-rust, ... }: flakelight-rust ./. { };

The above flake exports the following:

Equivalently, you can just import the flakelight-rust module as follows:

  inputs = {
    flakelight.url = "github:nix-community/flakelight";
    flakelight-rust.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight-rust";
  outputs = { flakelight, flakelight-rust, ... }: flakelight ./. {
    imports = [ flakelight-rust.flakelightModules.default ];

See flakelight-rust.nix to see how you could configure it without the module.

C application

The following example flake is for a C project with a simple make setup.

  description = "My C application.";
  inputs.flakelight.url = "github:nix-community/flakelight";
  outputs = { flakelight, ... }:
    flakelight ./. {
      license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later";

      package = { stdenv, defaultMeta }:
        stdenv.mkDerivation {
          name = "hello-world";
          src = ./.;
          installPhase = ''
            runHook preInstall
            make DESTDIR=$out install
            runHook postInstall
          meta = defaultMeta;

      devShell.packages = pkgs: with pkgs; [ clang-tools coreutils ];

      formatters = {
        "*.h" = "clang-format -i";
        "*.c" = "clang-format -i";

This flake exports the following:

C application using autoloads

The above example can instead use the autoload directory feature for the package like the following. Most attributes can be autoloaded.


  description = "My C application.";
  inputs.flakelight.url = "github:nix-community/flakelight";
  outputs = { flakelight, ... }:
    flakelight ./. {
      license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later";

      devShell.packages = pkgs: with pkgs; [ clang-tools coreutils ];

      formatters = {
        "*.h" = "clang-format -i";
        "*.c" = "clang-format -i";


{ stdenv, defaultMeta }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "hello-world";
  src = ./.;
  installPhase = ''
    runHook preInstall
    make DESTDIR=$out install
    runHook postInstall
  meta = defaultMeta;

A leading underscore in filename is stripped (default needs to be escaped to not conflict with dir import).

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