


Pypi Crates.io Documentation MIT licensed Rust

A lightweight and high-performance order-book implemented in Rust, designed to process level 2 and trades data.

Available in Python and Rust!

Getting started

Find Python and Rust hello_world programs in the examples directory.


Ran a couple of benchmarks showcasing real case scenarios against a naive Vec implementation and an orderbook with a fixed size of 500 levels.

The benchmarks are run with 300,000 events of level 2 orderbook data . This data is split in 2 chunks:

The scenarios tested are:

Here are the results:

ninjabook_bbo100,0005.0108 ms50.108 ns
fixed_500_bbo100,00049.018 ms490.18 ns
naive_bbo100,00090.552 ms905.52 ns
ninjabook_top5100,00011.797 ms117.97 ns
fixed_500_top5100,00054.693 ms546.93 ns
naive_top5100,00095.644 ms956.44 ns


To add a better version, create a new file, implementing the same methods as orderbook.rs (including tests) and add the improved orderbook to the bench optimal_vs_naive.rs. Only order books with a better performance than orderbook.rs will be considered. Lastly, add performance logs to the Pull Request, can just copy paste what cargo bench outputs.

Any issues, refactoring, docs and tests are also welcomed. Feel free to reach out here if you have any questions.


Just some cosmetic improvements need to be done. Refactor Orderbook core functions into a Trait, add docs and potentially more tests/bench/examples.