


Capa explorer for Cutter.

The goal of this is to port the functionality of the capa IDA plugin to Cutter.



First locate the directory used by cutter for loading plugins.

The simplest way to do this is to open cutter and go to Edit menu -> Preferences -> Plugins. The directory you are looking for should be displayed at the top.

Inside that directory you should find a directory named python. Download or clone this repository, and move capa_explorer_plugin to the python directory.


Use capa standalone which can be downloaded here


Issue the following command to create a JSON report of the binary.

capa.exe -j sample.exe > sample.exe.json

Open the binary in Cutter and and select "Load JSON file" in the drop down menu in the top right corner of the capa explorer widget to load the report.

Known limitations

Other issues

If you encounter bugs or have suggestions which are not among the known limitations please create an issue, or even better, a pull request.


I want to thank Mandiant and the FLARE team for creating capa and making it available to everyone. Most of the code in this repo is taken directly from the official capa IDA plugin and and have received slight modifications to make it work in Cutter. The main goal was to make the user experice as close as possible to the original plugin.
