

Wordle CLI

Play Wordle in your command line!


Wordle in-game

Wordle game over

Wordle statistics


You can download the latest binary from the GitHub releases page. Placing the binary somewhere in your PATH will make it available system-wide.

For Debian users

If you have Debian or a Debian-based system, you can use our Debian package repository to install and update Wordle CLI globally.

Run the following commands in succession:

echo "deb https://deb.nimblebun.works/debian stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nimblebun.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 033D0D4895F432D1
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wordle-cli

For Arch Linux users

If you have Arch Linux or an Arch-based system (e.g. Manjaro), you can install Wordle CLI globally through AUR.

Example using yay:

yay -S wordle-cli-bin


./wordle          # play today's official word
./wordle daily    # play today's Wordle CLI word
./wordle random   # play a random word

In-game you can press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>C</kbd> to quit anytime. You can press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to validate your current word (note: invalid words will not be validated). Pressing <kbd>Backspace</kbd> will remove the last letter.

Once you're on the finish screen you can use the <kbd></kbd> key to view your statistics for the chosen Wordle type. You can then use the <kbd></kbd> key to return to the game overview. Note: random mode does not have statistics.

In random mode, you can press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>N</kbd> on the finish screen to play a new random word.

